ANY-ACCESS-MODIFIER static final long serialVersionUID = 42L; If a serializable class does not explicitly declare a serialVersionUID, then the serialization runtime will calculate a default serialVersionUID value for that class based on various aspects of the class, as described in ...
subscriptionId public abstract String subscriptionId() Gets the subscriptionId property: The subscription ID of the account that is set as the default. Returns: the subscriptionId value.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Preview在GitHub 上與我們協作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和...
Parameters: defaultAccountPayload - The payload containing the default account information and the scope. context - The context to associate with this operation. Returns: payload to get and set the default account in the given scope along with Response<T>.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest在...
A private function member may not have the modifier sealed.Access modifiers may be used on interface members of all kinds of members that are permitted. The access level public is the default but it may be given explicitly.Open Issue: We need to specify the precise meaning of the acces...
inDescriptor - replaces the Descriptor associated with the component implementing this interface. If the inDescriptor is invalid for the type of Info object it is being set for, an exception is thrown. If the inDescriptor is null, then the Descriptor will revert to its default value which sho...
StringdefaultStratum() Returns the default stratum for this reference type. This value is specified in the class file and cannot be set by the user. If the class file does not specify a default stratum the base stratum ("Java") will be returned. ...
(whatever access modifier its constructor has now I'm sure is fine.) It's not supposed to be instantiated, but used in a static manner (e.g. byte[] bytes = RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(8);). The fact it has a constructor and any instance methods at all (and isn't declared as a...
DefaultAddressedEnvelope.recipient() null closeFuture ChannelFuturecloseFuture() Returns theChannelFuturewhich will be notified when this channel is closed. This method always returns the same future instance. isWritable boolean isWritable() Returnstrueif and only if the I/O thread will perform the re...
method.isDefault()returnmethod.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() && (method.getModifiers() & (Modifier.ABSTRACT|Modifier.PUBLIC|Modifier.STATIC)) !=Modifier.PUBLIC; } } PropertyAccessorCollector.javahas a similar but slightly different pattern for calls tovisitMethodInsn(), I haven't done any ...
Methods injavax.validationthat returnValidatorFactory Modifier and TypeMethod and Description staticValidatorFactoryValidation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory() Builds and returns aValidatorFactoryinstance based on the default Bean Validation provider and following the XML confi...