Namespace: Java.Lang.Invoke Assembly: Mono.Android.dll A symbolic reference obtained by cracking a direct method handle into its consitutent symbolic parts.C# 复制 [Android.Runtime.Register("java/lang/invoke/MethodHandleInfo", "", "Java.Lang.Invoke.IMethodHandleInfoInvoker", ApiSince=26)] ...
int modifiers() Returns the JavaTM programming language modifiers, encoded in an integer. The modifier encodings are defined in The Java™ Virtual Machine Specification in the access_flag tables for classes(section 4.1), fields(section 4.5), and methods(section 4.6). isPrivate boolean isPrivate...
3、验证结果 public abstract void public default java.lang.String public static final java.lang.String
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Comparable compareTo Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jdi.Accessible isPackagePrivate,isPrivate,isProtected,isPublic,modifiers Stringname() Gets the fully qualified name of this type. The returned name is formatted as it might appear in a Java program...
One example of inner interface used in java standard library is java.util.Map and Java.util.Map.Entry. Here java.util.Map is used also as a namespace. Entry does not belong to the global scope, which means there are many other entities that are Entries and are not necessary Map's entr...
Represents a class or interface. This contains doclet tags, fields and methods. Information about the class definition is available, such as which classes are extended, which interfaces implemented and modifiers.;*;importcom.custom.*;importcom.base.SubCl...
(Inherited from IJavaPeerable) JniPeerMembers Member access and invocation support. (Inherited from IJavaPeerable) MethodType Modifiers Name PeerReference Returns a JniObjectReference of the wrapped Java object instance. (Inherited from IJavaPeerable) ReferenceKind Methods...
(Inherited from IJavaPeerable) JniPeerMembers Member access and invocation support. (Inherited from IJavaPeerable) MethodType Modifiers Name PeerReference Returns a JniObjectReference of the wrapped Java object instance. (Inherited from IJavaPeerable) ReferenceKind Methods...
You expect that classes that extend your abstract class have many common methods or fields, or require access modifiers other than public (such as protected and private). You want to declare non-static or non-final fields. This enables you to define methods that can access and modify the sta...
Implements IJavaObject IJavaPeerable IDisposable RemarksAn event modifier that qualifies how a Watchable is registered with a WatchService. This release does not define any standard modifiers. Added in 1.7. Java documentation for java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Modifier.Portions of ...