Interest is also the extra money that you pay if you have borrowed money or are buying something on credit. Does your current account pay interest?... 你的活期账户有利息吗? 10 See also:interested;interesting;compound interest;self-interest;vested interest 11 PHRASE 为了(或符合)…的利益;有...
Do you pay interest on that account? 那种存款付给利息吗? He has an interest in the company. 他在这家公司拥有股份。 用作动词(v.) Things of that nature do not interest me. 我对那种事物不感兴趣。 Few teachers are able to interest their students in dull subjects that mean a lot of hard...
pay interest 支付利息 All banks pay interest on savings accounts.所有的银行都会对储蓄账户支付利息。earn interest 赚取利息 If you put money in a saving account it will earn interest.如果你把钱存在储蓄账户的话就能赚取利息啦。正是因为interest和“利息、利益”有关,所以“self-interest”可以表示自私自...
“Interest”作名词时,常见意为“兴趣;爱好”,例如:“Her main interest is music.”(她的主要兴趣是音乐。) 表示“利益;好处”也是常见用法,如:“We must consider the interests of the community.”(我们必须考虑社区的利益。)当“interest”表示“利息”时,例如:“The interest on this loan is quite high...
aan interest bearing account (the "Deposit Escrow Account") and shall deposit with the Escrow Agent an amount in cash equal to the sum of One Million Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($1,250,000) 一个附息帐户(“储蓄有条件交付契约帐户”)和将放置与契约经纪人每数额现金相等与一百万二百五万...
throughinterestwith sb 通过某人的援引. have (lose one s)interestwith sb 对某人产生(失去)影响. ⑦[常用复]帮,派,同业者; the businessinterests 商界. the shippinginterests 航运界。 ⑧[U]利息; 4%interestis allowed on bonds. 公债付给四厘利息。
This could be attributed, among other reasons, to commercial banks' prevail in convincing the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on its excessive cost in maintaining such accounts. However, with the advent of technology in servicing the account (like ATM, NEFT, Core BankingSolutions, Net-Banking, ...
EurLex-2 """Bank has also rationalisedinterestrate onSBAccounttoa flat 3% per annum for all buckets,"" it said in a statement." Samanantar 可用翻译 德文
My interest in the dispute is based on care for both people. 我对这场争议的关心是出于对争议双方的关心。 interestn(finance: earnings)(金融)SCSimplified Chinese利息lì xī TCTraditional Chinese利息 This bank account gives 3% interest per year. ...
Do you pay interest on that account? 那种存款付给利息吗? He has an interest in the company. 他在这家公司拥有股份。 用作动词 (v.) Things of that nature do not interest me. 我对那种事物不感兴趣。 Few teachers are able to interest their students in dull subjects that mean a lot of ha...