passive income arerentsand income from alimited partnership. Some analysts consider income derived fromsecuritiessuch asdividendsandcouponsto be passive income, while others put it into a separate category asportfolio income. Passive income istaxable, but it is often treated differently thanactive ...
(b) On each Distribution Date, the Trustee shall cause the Available Distribution Amount, in the following order of priority, to be distributed by REMIC 2 to REMIC 3 on account of the REMIC 2 Regular Interests or withdrawn from the Certificate Account and distributed to the Holders of the ...
On the revenue side, average tax rates are held constant. Accordingly, aggregate tax receipts will change only via changes in the tax base. With respect to income taxes, the base will expand relative to gdp if a growing number of elderly start to receive taxable pension benefits. With ...
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) (of a person) sit, esp on sth high or narrow (指人)坐著(尤指坐在高处或窄物上): perch on high stools at the bar 坐在酒吧的高凳上 *| perch dangerously on a narrow ledge 坐在狭窄的边缘上, 十分危险 *| perch on the edge of one's seat 坐在座位的边...