Summary of CPF Interest Rate to Increase Even though the increase is a minor 0.01%, I am already happy with any increase. Here is a summary of theCPF interest rate for the various accounts: Ordinary Account interest rate from 1 July 2023 to 30 September 2023 is 2.5% per annum. ...
What’s more, your 360 Account comes with Money Lock built-in – our latest security feature that enables you to lock up the funds in your account to protect them from scams. And best yet, locked funds count towards the total account balance for the purpose of earning interest, so your ...
What’s more, your 360 Account comes with Money Lock built-in – our latest security feature that enables you to lock up the funds in your account to protect them from scams. And best yet, locked funds count towards the total account balance for the purpose of earning interest, so your ...
Deposits in excess of $100,000 will earn interest according to the prevailing base interest rate for that month Dividends from CDP may be credited into personal or joint DBS / POSB savings / current accounts, DBS wealth management account, supplementary retirement scheme (SRS) account or CPF inv...
They have the option of using cash or funds from their CPF Ordinary Account for the Singapore Dollar Fixed Deposit. This promotional rate is higher than the 2.5% p.a. currently paid on CPF’s Ordinary Accounts. In addition, the three-month Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit* also offers inc...
What’s more, your 360 Account comes with Money Lock built-in – our latest security feature that enables you to lock up the funds in your account to protect them from scams. And best yet, locked funds count towards the total account balance for the purpose of earning interest, so your ...
How can I deposit the minimum S$500 each month to be eligible for the Monthly No Withdrawal and Save Bonus Interest? Is there an account balance limit for the Bonus Interest? What happens if I make a withdrawal in that month? Is interest rate credited on a monthly or yearly basis?
Monies and deposits denominated in Singapore dollars under the CPF Investment Scheme and CPF Retirement Sum Scheme are aggregated and separately insured up to S$100,000 for each depositor per Scheme member. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment ...
What’s more, your 360 Account comes with Money Lock built-in – our latest security feature that enables you to lock up the funds in your account to protect them from scams. And best yet, locked funds count towards the total account balance for the purpose of earning interest, so...
What’s more, your 360 Account comes with Money Lock built-in – our latest security feature that enables you to lock up the funds in your account to protect them from scams. And best yet, locked funds count towards the total account balance for the purpose of earning interest, so your ...