The authors of this paper propose an intercultural framework for ELT in China and elsewhere that advocates teaching and learning English both for and as intercultural communication. With an intercultural approach the whole process of teaching and learning of English is to be determined by...
② It introduces the aim which is often treated with low priority — the humanistic and educational aims; ③ Abundant examples are used to illustrate the arguments, drawn from several teaching practice; ④ There is one part called “Interaction and Communication” after each lecture, helping to s...
English TeachingLanguage LearningImmersionLittle research has been conducted that explores connections between the fields of intercultural communication and English-language instruction. To address this gap, we report on an intercultural communication course delivered as an integral part of a short-term ...
Abstract:This article talks about the relation between intercultural communication and English teaching, the importance of cultivating the knowledge of intercultural communication while teaching English, and some methods to let students develop the consciousness of intercultural communication. Keywords:intercultura...
intercultural communication in English---teaching in junior school. This topic has become the most important in language research recently. Worldwide interest in intercultural communication grows out of two assumptions. First, we live in an age when change in technology, travel economic, and ...
内容提示: Intercultural Communication And Foreign Language Teaching 来自不同文化背景的人们, 他们在风俗习惯、 思维方式、 价值观及宗教信仰方面存在显著的差异。 在跨文化交际过程中, 常常由于文化差异使得双方发生误解冲突, 甚至导致沟通的失败。 文章分析了不同的文化对语言运用的影响, 强调在外语教学中要增进文化...
7 2 The Teaching Methods in Foreign Language Learning……….8 III The Importance of Developing the Ability in Intercultural Communication through the Practices of Foreign Language Learning…...10 1 Cultural Differences in Intercultural Communication………10 2 Cultural Barriers in Relation to the Langua...
Intercultural Communication and English Teaching Intercultural Co mmun ication and English Teach i ng 丁 杨 (河南职业技术学院)Ab stra ct :Th is articl e t a l ks abo u t t he rel ati o n bet w een i ntercu lt u ral co m mun i cati o n and Eng li sh teach i ng ,the i...
teaching English as a foreign languageintercultural speakersThailandThis paper argues for the importance of including salient aspects of intercultural communication (ICC) in the teaching of English as a foreign language, with particular reference to pedagogic contexts in Thailand. The paper begins by ...