SAP Managed Tags: SD Sales SD Sales Software Product Function View products (1) Hi , This is regarding the inter-company sales process. I have checked in the forum but, could not get the exact solution. My issue is as follows.. Let A, B represents sales organizations of company codes...
Dear Friends, In this document I'm going to explain inter-Company Stock transport Order with SD Delivery, Billing & Logistics Invoice verification. Prerequisites:
Create the Supplier in Receiving Company Code and Receiving Purchasing Organization and assign Supplying Plant in the Vendor General Data. (i.e., For the Receiving Company Code, the Supplying Plant acts as a Supplier.) Create the Customer in the Supplying Company Code (i.e., the Customer acts...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hello Guys, I am new to SAP SD module. I am one query regarding pricing issues. For E.g We have Two Company codes in our SAP. Company "A" Manufactures and Sell it to Company "B". Both are related companies to each other. Now the p...
In this document I’m going to explain inter-Company Stock transport Order with SD Delivery, Billing & Logistics Invoice verification. Prerequisites: Knowledge of MM & SD Two organization structures: one for purchasing and another for sales
Global ATP contains the functions for the ATP check in SAP APO, including Transportation and Shipment Scheduling. The ATP check represents an online search that should insure that your company can provide the requested product at the requested time in the quantity requested by the customer.Shipment...
In inter-company STO, there would be two plants involved. One is issuing the product while the other is receiving. The purchase order is initialized by the Receiving Plant but the Replenishment Delivery Order is initialized by the Issuing Plant and also the Billing document should be initialized...
SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi All, Can Anybody Explain step by step process ofInter Company STO Process Thanks in Advance Accepted Solutions(0) Ask a Question Top Q&A Solution Author SAPSupport 124 Edrilan_Berisha 7 Enda 5
SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, SD (Sales and Distribution) HI all, I have some doubts in Inter Company STO... in... DEFINE SHIPPING DATA FOR PLANTS... do we need to maintain data for both (Issuing and Receiving) Plants? if YES...can i maintain like this... under RECEIVING PLANT -...
Materials are transported between the plants belonging to the different company codes inINTER COMPANYSTO Where the supplying and receiving plants are in different company codes. Configurations to-do from SD Side: Create Sales organization Create Distribution Channel ...