You process an intercompany transaction and have already specified a sender (from which the company ...
高级公司间交易流程 – 销售订单,即 AIC – SO(Advanced Intercompany Process - Sales Order).高级公...
Let us review each billing document to see how they are used to post an intercompany sale. In the customer, the billing document type is defaulted from the order type. Order type “OR” defaults billing document type “F2” in the standard system. The sales area is determined from the sal...
一个Sales org只能Assign给一个Co 3、mpany code, 而一个Plant 也只能Assign 给一个Company code。 然而对于公司内部销售, 我们可以将plant assign给其他company code下的sales org。对于Intercompany 的业务, 我们需要开两张invoice,一张是直接开给客户,另一张是开给销售的company, 在Sales Document type中可以...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) Hello Experts, We have two sales org AB00 (Company code 1234) and CD00 (company code 5678). Currently, customer sends the requirements to sales org AB00 which creates a scheduling agreement (with ref to Contract) and does delivery from plant...
IMG-SD-Billing-InterCompany Billing-Define Internal Customer No. by Sales Org ***and by the way for the Invoice to work between Cross-Company Plants, you need also to have a Sales Org for the Supplying Plant and a Pricing Determination Procedure -- INTERCOMPANY PRICING: PI01 Intercompany: ...
对于 Intercompany 的业务, 我们需要开两张 invoice,一张是直接开给客户,另一张是 开给销售的 company, 在 Sales Document type中可以指定多个 Billing type。 Company code 是对外的一个法律实体,需要对外公开财务负债表。Company code一定会 有一个 Chart of account科目表。 Business Area 是一个内部管理单元,...
SAP Managed Tags: SD (Sales and Distribution) I am doing intercompany billing where i am getting pricing error. I went to environment and checked revenue account it was not reflecting anything there. but for other billing it was reflecting line item wise. what should i do. Can any body ...
Integrating the Intercompany Sales Process in Sales and Distribution Integrating the Drop Shipment Process in Sales and Distribution For functional limitations, please refer to SAP Note2591055 - Functional limitations in the SD Integration Component....
Assign Value Fields Tcode: KE4I|KE4IM 这步将SD和MM的condition(通常对MM模块只用内部转厂PO -实际上可看成是将supplying plant的SO和receiving plant的PO合并,所以有个intercompany sales的transfer oder)和值字段对应上. 如企业要求将相关销售费用比如运输费保险费报关费产权费等分配到销售产品,可为每种费用...