It's a Flatpak which might be part of the issue; i.e. it just shipped like that and was not fixable. I think it's containerized meaning that lock file is isolated somehow which was why I couldn't find it. There was no configuration directory at all in ~/.config, the `JetBrains...
Version 2023.2 or newer of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition is required to build and develop for the IntelliJ Platform. Opening the IntelliJ Source Code for Build Using IntelliJ IDEAFile | Open, select the<IDEA_HOME>directory. ...
I ran a while true loop and my IntelliJ got stuck forever. I restarted my computer, uninstalled and installed IntelliJ and it is still stuck with the logo of IntelliJ on the screen and that's it, it doesn't work at all and I can't see my code. Any advices?intellij-idea while-loop...
If you encounter issues when configuring a local interpreter for a newly-cloned Ruby project (for example, the Ruby SDK and Gems page is not displayed), try opening this project from existing sources. In the main menu, go to File | New | Project from existing sources. Provide the path to...
In the Project tool window (View | Tool Windows | Project) , right-click the image file and select Jump to external editor. Alternatively, press CtrlAltF4. IntelliJ IDEA opens the image in the editor that is used in your OS by default. You can configure another image editor in which the...
After using intellij for multiple years on the same pc without any problum, suddenly this happened. When I want to startup my intellij on Ubuntu I get an error: "IDE Already Running", Cannot connect to already running IDE instance. CannotActivateException: Process ...
Feedback Report Content Terms of Use Legal, Privacy and Security Copyright © 2000-2025 JetBrains s.r.o. Developed with drive and IntelliJ IDEACookie Settings Our website uses some cookies and records your IP address for the purposes of accessibility, security, and managing your access to th...
Version 2023.2 or newer of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition is required to build and develop for the IntelliJ Platform. Opening the IntelliJ Source Code for Build Using IntelliJ IDEAFile | Open, select the<IDEA_HOME>directory. ...
It is not only Intellij or the software I use that is crashing, even windows explorer is crashing. Now if the problem here was the software then I believe using older versions should eradicate the issue and crashes but that's not the case. I have tried using versions which were about 2...
Add Azure Service Bus support in Azure Toolkits. Resource Management in Azure explorer. Simple Service Bus client to send/receive messages. Changed Warn user if bytecode version of deploying artifact is not compatible of the runtime of target Azure Spring app. JDK version of current project is...