则在新打开一个项目的时候,项目与窗口的关系设置,可以通过File》Settings》Appearance & Behavior》System Settings>Project Opening进行设置,如下: open project in new window:在新窗口中打开项目 open project in the same window:在当前窗口中打开项目 confirm window to open peoject in:询问操作(默认项) 6、文件...
New window: open every project in a separate window. Current window: close the current project and open a new one in the same window. Ask: show a dialog with actions to choose from. Apply the changes and close the dialog. If you quit the IDE having multiple opened projects, they all ...
When you open a folder, you're prompted with "Open in new window or current window"; can I make PyCharm always open in a new window; without prompting me? Votes 11 分享 7 条评论 排序方式 Permanently deleted user 创建于 2018年04月27日23:33 ...
本页面也提供简体中文版本,请在页面右上方切换 Language 为简体中文。 Missing some documentation? Or got stuck developing your plugin? See all the ways of obtaining support below for each case. Please use English in all communication. Was this page helpful?
Click to open the Create Tool dialog. This dialog provides the same set of settings as when you add a local external tool, but also allows you to select a remote connection. If you don't specify the connection settings, IntelliJ IDEA will ask you for the host, port, and relevant SSH ...
Let's start by adding some simple code to the web app:In the Project window, expand src/main/webapp and then open index.jsp. Remove all of the existing code and replace it with the following HTML: HTML Copy <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; c...
Steps to install the Scala plugin:Open IntelliJ IDEA. On the welcome screen, navigate to Configure > Plugins to open the Plugins window. Select Install for the Scala plugin that is featured in the new window. After the plugin installs successfully, you must restart the IDE....
IntelliJ IDEA Open API and Plugin Development Is Deprecated 0 0 Sktsaurabh975 Last update4 days ago How to access the new BetaTerminal using the org.jetbrains.intellij.platform - 2.2.1 0 0 Yury Brigadirenko Last update2 days ago How to disable YamlStructuralKeysCompletionContribut...
Note that any unloading problems in a production environment will ask the user to restart the IDE. note If a pluginrequiresrestart (for example, due to using native libraries) specifyrequire-restart="true"for<idea-plugin>root tag inplugin.xml. ...
Select "flutter-intellij > flutter-idea > main" module, switch to the "Paths" window, select theInherit project compile output pathoption then apply. This step can be repeated after everytime the project is open. Select every module from the top (flutter-intellij) to the bottom (test) (co...