点击左上角File-Settings打开设置窗口。 点击Keymap,在右侧搜索框中输入format,找到Code下方的Reformat Code,可以看到右侧显示快捷键为Ctrl+Alt+L。 选中Reformat Code,右键选择Add Keyboard Shortcut。 在快捷键设置窗口输入想要设置的快捷键,然后点击OK快捷键即可立即生效。
4 第四步进去Settings界面之后,点击Keymap,在右侧搜索框中输入format,找到code下方的ReformatCode,可以看到快捷键为Ctrl+Alt+L,这就是整理代码格式的快捷键,如下图所示:5 第五步选中ReformatCode,右键选择Add Keyboard Shortcut,如下图所示:6 第六步进去整理代码格式的快捷键设置界面之后,输入想要设置的快捷...
第四步进去Settings界面之后,点击Keymap,在右侧搜索框中输入format,找到code下方的ReformatCode,可以看到快捷键为Ctrl+Alt+L,这就是整理代码格式的快捷键,如下图所示: 第五步选中ReformatCode,右键选择Add Keyboard Shortcut,如下图所示: 第六步进去整理代码格式的快捷键设置界面之后,输入想要设置的快捷键,点击OK就完...
Note that when you install IntelliJ IDEA with Windows default keymap for the first time, a dialog appears offering you to map this shortcut to either the Redo or Delete Line action. To adjust your keymap after the installation, refer to Choose the right keymap. To join lines, place the ca...
System.out.println("I have no idea where the indentation is supposed to be"); } Highlight a specific piece of code, like the code above, and pressCtrl+Alt+L(Windows/Linux) or⌥⌘L(macOS) to format just the highlighted code. Or we can use this same shortcut without selecting the...
Activate save actions on shortcut (default "CTRL SHIFT S"):使用保存快捷键时激活 Optimize imports...
IntelliJ IDEA has keyboard shortcuts for most of its commands related to editing, navigation, refactoring, debugging, and pretty much everything else we might want to do regularly. Learning and practi
Eclipse Code Formatter 使用 Eclipse 的代码格式化风格 Jindent-Source Code Formatter 自定义类变量注释模板 Properties to YAML Converter 文本转换 mongo4idea mongo 客户端 iedis redis 客户端 shortcut translate 快捷键翻译 stackoverflow 堆栈分析 leetcode 力扣插件 ...
Shortcut System action IntelliJ IDEA action ⌃CtrlSpace Select the previous input source Basic code completion ⇧Shift⌘Сmd0A Search man Page Index in Terminal Find Action Was this page helpful? YesNo
</idea-plugin> IntelliJ SDK PSI PSI (Program Structure Interface),程序结构接口,主要负责解析文件、创建语法、语义代码。 IDEA (有很多内置的插件),它们把整个工程的所有元素解析成了它们设计实现的PsiElement,你可以用它们提供的API很方便的去CURD所有元素。IDEA也支持自定义语言,比较复杂了,需要实现Parser、Psi...