4 第四步进去Settings界面之后,点击Keymap,在右侧搜索框中输入format,找到code下方的ReformatCode,可以看到快捷键为Ctrl+Alt+L,这就是整理代码格式的快捷键,如下图所示:5 第五步选中ReformatCode,右键选择Add Keyboard Shortcut,如下图所示:6 第六步进去整理代码格式的快捷键设置界面之后,输入想要设置的快捷...
Note that when you install IntelliJ IDEA with Windows default keymap for the first time, a dialog appears offering you to map this shortcut to either the Redo or Delete Line action. To adjust your keymap after the installation, refer to Choose the right keymap. To join lines, place the ca...
Highlight a specific piece of code, like the code above, and pressCtrl+Alt+L(Windows/Linux) or⌥⌘L(macOS) to format just the highlighted code. Or we can use this same shortcut without selecting the code and the whole file will be reformatted. We can go toPreferences/Settings|Code ...
note Neither the Jump to Colors and Fonts nor the Show Fonts Used by Editor actions have a default shortcut. To assign a shortcut for an action, select it in the Find Action popup and press AltEnter.Was this page helpful? YesNo
(Windows/Linux). Then, once the code element is highlighted, keep pressing this shortcut to move through the file. You will notice that the caret is being multiplied and appears next to every instance of the highlighted code element. If you start editing the highlighted code, this code will...
Use new file shortcut (Ctrl-N) to popup new file dialogue within dir Ctrl-B — goto definition Ctrl-Shift-I — Quick definition popup Ctrl-P — Parameter info Ctrl-U — Super definition Ctrl-Alt-B — Go to implementations Ctrl-Alt-Left / Ctrl-Alt-Right — navigate file history ...
右键菜单Add keyboard Shortcut,设置组合快捷键 增加优化导入包快捷键:Ctrl+K,O 自定义重命名快捷键:F2 F2已经被占用了,无法使用,可以更换其他,默认是Shift+F6 常用的快捷键: IDEA查看类型(接口)的所有实现类(快捷键:“ctrl + h” 或 接口类名左边按钮) ...
1. Smart code completion CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE: Forces your IDE to display autocomplete options so that you can find relevant code suggestions faster. 2. Go to declaration and implementation CMD + B and CMD + CLICK or CTRL + B and CTRL + CLICK: This shortcut will quickly find where a...
Activate save actions on shortcut (default "CTRL SHIFT S"):使用保存快捷键时激活 Optimize imports:自动优化导入 Reformat file:格式化文件 Reformat only changed code (only if VCS configured):配置版本控制时只格式化修改的代码 Grep Console 作用 修改控制台日志颜色。 插件官网 Grep Console - plugin for I...
<action id="T.RefreshProjectAction" class="io.org.t.plugin.navigator.action.RefreshProjectAction" icon="AllIcons.Actions.Refresh" text="Refresh T " description="RefreshProjectAction"> <keyboard-shortcut keymap="$default" first-keystroke="shift meta T"/> </action> Grouping Actions 操作组 创建...