关闭idea自动更新 Keymap 自定义 IDEA 快捷键 1、搜索自己想要修改的快捷键,比如格式化代码快捷键: 2、双击它,然后点击 Add keyboard Shortcut 即可自定义快捷键: 3、修改成自己习惯的快捷键,然后点击【OK】: Editor 设置鼠标滚轮修改字体大小(可忽略) Editor --> General 勾选此设置后,增加 Ctrl + 鼠标滚轮 ...
IntelliJ IDEA添加JavaDOC注释 方法 快捷键 第一种方法 Settings ->Keymap ->Other ->Fix doc comment ->右键 ->选择 Add Keyboard Shortcut, 然后输入自定义的快捷键 默认Fix doc comment是没有设置快捷键的,我这里把他设置成Alt + M 把光标停在类名或者方法名上,按上面设置的快捷键 第二种方法 把光标停...
We don’t have to remember all of these shortcuts. UseFind Action, ⇧⌘A (MacOS) or Shift+Ctrl+A (Windows/Linux), to search for any action in IntelliJ IDEA. The drop down will show not only the actions, but also the shortcut so that we can learn this shortcut and practice it...
File=> Settings=>Keymap=> 找到“Go to Super Method”=> 右键=> Add Mouse ShortCut=> 按下ctrl+alt+鼠标右键 导入导出 快捷键配置文件目录 2020.3.2及之后默认配置位置:C:\Users\Liu\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2020.3\keymaps\ 2020.3.2之前的默认配置位置:C:\Users\xxx\.IntelliJIdea20XX.X\...
Shortcut Action Double Shift Search Everywhere Quickly find any file, action, symbol, tool window, or setting in IntelliJ IDEA, in your project, and in the current Git repository. CtrlShift0A Find Action Find a command and execute it, open a tool window, or search for a setting. AltEnter...
FunctionShortcut Key Edit UndoCtrl+Z RedoCtrl+Shift+Z CutCtrl+X CopyCtrl+C Copy PathCtrl+Shift+C Copy ReferenceCtrl+Alt+Shift+C PasteCtrl+V Paste from History...Ctrl+Shift+V Paste SimpleCtrl+Alt+Shift+V Find Find EverywhereShift+Shift ...
Run Anythinghas been around for the last three years. Over this time, we have collected your feedback and ideas on how to make it better. If you also have any suggestions, post them in the comment section. In the meantime, we have just released thebrand new IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3that you...
In the list of directories, click the Other directory and from the list of tabs, select the one for which you need to add a shortcut. The limit of tabs to which you can assign shortcuts is 9. Change the default tab limit IntelliJ IDEA limits number of tabs that you can open ...
方式一:使用 IDEA 默认提供的忽略文件设置:File > Settings > Editor > File Types,在右侧的 【Ignore files and folders】 中添加要忽略的文件,后缀或目录。 方式二:安装.ignore插件,新建 git 忽略文件,在文件中添加要忽略的文件或目录。 自定义注释模板 ...