复制并且不删除当前行⌘+CEdit/Copy 剪切当前行并复制到粘贴板⌘+XEdit/Cut 关闭当前标签⌘+W跟通常编辑器快捷键一致Edit Tabs/Close 注释当前行⌘+/随手一注释Comment with Line Comment 优化import^+⌥+O没啥用Optimize Imports 格式化代码⌥+⌘+L没啥用Reformat Code 语言要素生成(Language Elements/...
设置快捷键 File=> Settings=> Kaymap=> 右侧“Macros”=> 右键刚才制定的宏=> “Add Keyboard Shortcut” 文件
<keymapversion="1"name="IdeaKeysFromEclipse"parent="Eclipse"><actionid="CodeCompletion"><keyboard-shortcutfirst-keystroke="ctrl space"/><keyboard-shortcutfirst-keystroke="alt slash"/></action><actionid="Console.TableResult.EditValueMaximized"><keyboard-shortcutfirst-keystroke="shift enter"/><keyb...
You can use the same shortcut Shift+F12 to restore the saved layout. Jump to the last active window Press F12. Use the switcher for navigation To jump between the opened files and tool windows with the switcher, press Ctrl+Tab. Keep Ctrl pressed to leave the switcher popup open....
Note that when you install IntelliJ IDEA with Windows default keymap for the first time, a dialog appears offering you to map this shortcut to either the Redo or Delete Line action. To adjust your keymap after the installation, refer to Choose the right keymap. To join lines, place the ca...
打开Settings->;Keymap->;搜索comment,如下图:右键点击Fix doc comment弹出 下拉列表,选择AddkeyboardShortcut, 我这里增加了"/"(斜杠) ==》 之后鼠标放在函数名上,按下"/"就会自动生成注释了 IDEA中设置Eclipse快捷键,以及设置大小写不敏感 一、设置Eclipse快捷键File->Settings->;KeyMap->;选择Eclipse->Apply ...
KEIL 注解和去注解 快捷键添加 KEIL 注解和去注解 快捷键添加方法: 菜单栏Edit --> Configuration --> Shortcut Keys: 1, 例如设置 注解快捷键: Ctrl+/ 2, 例如设置 去注解快捷键: Ctrl+\ 查看设置好的快捷键: Keil->Edit->Advanced中有两项: Comment Selection /Uncomment Selection智能...
os: arch hyprland version: rolling idea: IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 (Ultimate Edition) BTW, popup triggers the problem in below videos isoverride methods, its default shortcut is ctrl-o. There's no this problem on sway(may help for addressing). ...
If we select a whole code block, we can use ⌥⌘/ (MacOS) or Shift+Ctrl+/ (Windows/Linux) toadd a block comment. Pressing this shortcut again with the cursor anywhere inside the code block will remove the block comment. GIF