打开设备管理器→网络适配器,发现Intel(R)WiFi6 AX211160MHz有一个黄色的感叹号,显示设备有问题,已...
My Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160 MHz driver is not working properly again. The driver always displays Code 43 as the cause of the problem. I noticed that the driver didn't function when connected to our own wifi network, but it is working properly when I brought my laptop to the ...
Someone had exactly my problem too ,issue link https://community.intel.com/t5/Wireless/Intel-R-Wi-Fi-6-AX201-160MHz-giving-error-code-43-and-refuses-to/m-p/1474675 . I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver multiple times, restarted the laptop gazillion times, updated Wind...
Solved: After one restart, the Wi-Fi device Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz no longer works (error code 43). I've recently updated Windows and all - 9194890
1.同时使用Windows + R键打开运行提示。输入devmgmt.msc并回车 打开win设备管理器 2.打开设备管理器窗口。单击网络适配器下拉菜单以展开它 网络适配器 3.右键单击英特尔无线 WiFi 6 适配器(注意这里根据你的选择,可能是AX200),然后单击更新驱动程序 更新驱动程序 ...
All the fixes however are temporary, lasting only up to 2 hours before I get a code 10 or code 43 error on the Intel(R) Wi-Fin6 AX201 160MHz driver. This issue has been occurring for multiple months and none of the solutions have provided a permanent fix, Any ...
The Network Adapter WiFi driver shuts down with the error code shown in the subject line. I have looked at numerous websites documenting this exact issue. Seems to happen on all kinds of PCs--not just HP. I have tried all the possible solutions. At...
品牌型号:联想拯救者Y9000P 系统:Windows 11 intelwifi6ax201160mhz突然不能用的原因有很多,可能是软件、硬件或网络配置问题。以下是一些可能的原因和解决方法:1、驱动程序问题:如果您最近更新了操作系统或安装了其他软件,可能会影响Wi-Fi适配器的驱动程序。解决方法是访问Intel网站,下载并安装最新...
设备管理器Intel..设备管理器Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz 经常出黄色叹号上不了网,重装驱动也不行,用自动更新win10的这个驱动也不行。有时没问题正常使用,有时用着用着就断网,有时一开机也