打开设备管理器→网络适配器,发现Intel(R)WiFi6 AX201 160MHz有一个黄色的感叹号,显示设备有问题,已...
Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz giving error code 43 and refuses to work Someone had exactly my problem too ,issue link https://community.intel.com/t5/Wireless/Intel-R-Wi-Fi-6-AX201-160MHz-giving-error-code-43-and-refuses-to/m-p/1474675 . I tried uninstalling and reinstalli...
I have an MSI laptop. It's a GF65 Thin 10 SDR. It hasn't had any problems with Wifi or Bluetooth until now. Suddenly, Bluetooth has disappeared and
After one restart, the Wi-Fi device Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz no longer works (error code 43). I've recently updated Windows and all drivers, but I do not know, if one of the updates had this effect. (I've already spent hours to fix this, based on t...
Re:Intel WIFI 6 AX201 160 MHz Adapter Not Working Error Code 10/43 Hello Hassen_Lenovo I come back to you to inform you that suddenly; I had the same problem today, I applied the 2 methods explained above but their effect is only short term, in an unexplained w...
The Network Adapter WiFi driver shuts down with the error code shown in the subject line. I have looked at numerous websites documenting this exact issue. Seems to happen on all kinds of PCs--not just HP. I have tried all the possible solutions. At...
Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz是一款高端的无线网卡,它支持最新的WiFi 6标准,并且具有160MHz的频宽。这款网卡采用了2x2 MIMO技术,能够在兼容的WiFi 6路由器支持下,实现高达2402Mbps的无线传输速度。在实际测试中,如上图所示,当与小米AX6000路由器(已启用WiFi6 160MHz)配对时,协商速率达到了2.4Gbps,非常接近...
从2023年06/24左右,我的电脑连接任何wifi(百兆路由、千兆路由、手机热点),都会不间断的网络卡顿,打开一个网页,翻译一句话都要5-10s。我通过排除种种问题,最后锁定了是intel的AX201 160MHz驱动问题,最后回退AX201 160MHz驱动到2022版本的解决了问题。
设备管理器Intel..设备管理器Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz 经常出黄色叹号上不了网,重装驱动也不行,用自动更新win10的这个驱动也不行。有时没问题正常使用,有时用着用着就断网,有时一开机也