在wPrime单核性能测试中,i7-8700K在32M运算测试中仅用了3.553秒,相比i7-7700K少了近2秒,性能提升幅度为34.6%,充分体现了8代高频处理器的优势。↑↑↑wPrime(1024M)测试成绩对比 在wPrime多核性能测试中,i7-8700K在1024M运算测试中耗时112.058秒,相比之下,i7-7700K多用了54.8秒,i7-8700K多核...
首先来看CPU的测试标杆Cinebench R15的成绩,i78700K单线程183cb,多线程1406cb,多线程性能提升明显,相比7700K提升了46%,比6700K提升59%,多出来的两个核心确实大幅提升了多线程性能 单线程方面8700K并没能超过7700K,反而是倒退了3%。可以用PASSMARK CPU跑分作为大概的参考值i7分, AMD X4 860K为...
Passmark: CPU Test16527 3D Mark: CPU Test7761 i7-8700 Power Draw One of the most attractive things about non K, non overclock-able CPU’s is lower power draw. The 8700 has a TDP of 65W. The CPU doesn’t really come anywhere close to that under load however. Below you will find av...
I bought and installed i7-8700k on Asrock Z370 Pro4. Worked perfectly and the board / cpu passed all our stress tests but performance I was impressed with was poor compared to Asus boards per Passmark.. so I bought an Asus Rog Strix Z370-G. The i7-8700k boo...
I bought and installed i7-8700k on Asrock Z370 Pro4. Worked perfectly and the board / cpu passed all our stress tests but performance I was impressed with was poor compared to Asus boards per Passmark.. so I bought an Asus Rog Strix Z370-G. The i7-8700k booted...
PassMark版(跑分) 超能网版(百分比) 秋刀鱼半藏(水平对比) Geekbench版(跑分) 前言 本次更新天梯图包含台式机(PC端)、笔记本(移动端)、服务器、苹果(部分新产品)的CPU型号。 其中:AMD锐龙、英特尔酷睿系列CPU为消费级型号。 AMD霄龙、锐龙 Threadripper和PRO、英特尔至强系列CPU为服务器型号。 CPU型号中后缀带H、...
游戏及日常使用中有明显的差距性能差距16%左右i7 8700K14纳米,6核心12线程,主频37睿频47GHz,12MB缓存 i5 9600K14纳米,6核心,主频37GHz,睿频46GHz,9MB缓存 处理器性能跑分。很明显9600K要强很多,4790K属于好几年前的4代U,生产工艺架构完全比不上9代U,不相信的话你自己搜索一下CPU性能天梯...
Intel Core i7-8086K 461 Intel Core i7-8700K 461 Intel Core i7-9700K 461 Intel Processor N95 所有的基准测试结果 Estimated results for PassMark CPU Mark PassMark是一个测试套件,执行复杂的数学计算,以确定文件压缩、加密和物理相关任务的CPU性能。 5503 Intel Core i5-5675C 5500 ...
稍后有个Passmark得分上传泄露,媒体就编撰出《三代锐龙最弱的一颗U:单核灭门9代酷睿》这样的标题。 到7月7日发布前夕,又有了3600游戏全灭8700K的测试,真是喜闻乐见。 社交媒体和传统媒体都不自觉的,或者蓄意的抬高对Zen 2的评价,这样的结果就是导致大众对于Zen 2存在过高的期待。但这样的过高的期待,在Zen ...