Category: Audio Device Driver Windows 11 Reply I have the same question Recommendations Audio and Device Manager Problems. Minh528 05-18-2018 05:06 AM why does my all in one pc say it is missing amd high definit... Bigman-123 01-11-2020 10:41...
Windows电脑系统没声音,出现intel high definition DSP感叹号,音量图标那调不了音量解决方法 重新设置声卡驱动。方法如下: 进入设备管理: 我的电脑->管理 设备管理->系统设备或声卡那找到感叹号的 intel high definition DSP。先卸载掉 然后在系统设备->英特尔智音技术更新驱动-> 选 浏览计算机上的驱动程序 选‘让我...
Just to ask, is this for the same device that's on thispost? If yes, I advise you to uninstall the Realtek Audio driver in Device Manager instead by following the steps on thislink. Once done, restart the laptop, then reinstall the driver by clickinghere. Restart it again ...
5.Download Realtek High-Definition audio driver for Windows 11. 6. Install the downloaded Realtek HD sound driver. 7. Restart the machine. #4 Install Intel Media Driver If you are still suffering from Intel Smart Sound Technology driver error, it might due to the lack of an optional driver...
5楼2019-03-08 01:11 收起回复 锴胖纸 8086 1 1、 按WIN+X——设备管理器——系统设备展开2、右键 智音技术音频控制器,并选择“更新驱动程序”,点击从计算机中选择浏览,再选择“让我从可用的驱动程序列表中选取”,然后选择High Definition Audio(高清晰度音频),点击下一步,确定 6楼2019-04-12 12:57 收...
Intel High Definition DSP并非集成显卡的显存或驱动程序,它实际上是Intel的一种数字信号处理器(DSP),用于处理音频、视频信号和一些特定的计算任务,提升设备的多媒体性能。它不同于显卡驱动,显卡驱动是控制显卡与计算机硬件和操作系统交互的关键软件。如果你需要更新显卡驱动,可以按照以下步骤操作:首先,...
您的电脑缺少Intel High Definition Audio驱动程序,导致无法发出声音。详细解释:1. 驱动缺失问题:Intel High Definition Audio是英特尔处理器上常见的一个音频处理模块。当您的电脑缺少相应的驱动程序时,操作系统无法正确识别和管理该模块,从而导致音频功能失效。2. 驱动安装的重要性:驱动程序是操作系统与...
computer as many other Windows 10 users, like no sound through HDMI, and looking for the correctIntel High Definition Audio driver, you’ve got in the right place.Go with this post, you would know how to download the correct Intel High Definition Audio driver for your Windows 10 in a ...
Device Manager shows an unknown Intel High Definition DSP device with error 28. I have run Windows Update Lenovo Commercial Vantage update and downloaded/installed the driver from Lenovo through setup and manually. Nothing worked. Translate Tags: audio dsp error 280...