锴胖纸 8086 1 1、按WIN+X——设备管理器——系统设备展开2、右键 智音技术音频控制器,并选择“更新驱动程序”,点击从计算机中选择浏览,再选择“让我从可用的驱动程序列表中选取”,然后选择High Definition Audio(高清晰度音频),点击下一步,确定 7楼2019-04-12 12:57 收起回复 ...
集成声卡——亦可到主板厂家的网站找找,说不定有。否则可以试试:Realtek瑞昱ALC880/ALC882/ALC883/ALC885/ALC888/ALC260/ALC262/ALC861 HD Audio音频芯片最新驱动包1.82版For Win2000/XP/XP-64/2003/2003-64(2007年11月20日发布) ...
Update your computer's drivers using DriverMax, the free driver update tool - Chipset - Intel - Download Intel(R) High Definition Audio - 1C20 Computer Driver Update 893741
INTEL D865GLC Audio driverType:GZVersion:1.3For:Red Hat* Enterprise Linux Desktop 4 Update 1 32-bit INTEL Pentium G3220 Video driverType:ZIPVersion: 7 64-bit, Windows 10, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit ...
情况一:右击桌面“我的电脑”--属性--硬件--设置管理器--声音视频和游戏控制器--这个项下面如果没有AC97或High Definition或其他长串的英文,或者存在黄色的问号。 情况二:点击桌面左下角开始--控制面板--声音和音频设备--里面的所有设置都是灰色的,即是不可以用的。如果存在以上两种...
Download & install the correct Intel High Definition Audio Driver manually Roll back your driver Method 1: Update Intel High Definition Audio Driver via Driver Easy Automatically If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update theIntel High Definition Audio drivermanually, you...
Installs the Realtek* High Definition Audio Driver for the 3.5mm audio jack on Intel® NUC Kit. Available Downloads Download Windows 8.1, 64-bit*, Windows 8.1, 32-bit*, Windows 8, 64-bit*, Windows 8, 32-bit*, Windows 7, 64-bit*, Wi...
5.Download Realtek High-Definition audio driver for Windows 11. 6. Install the downloaded Realtek HD sound driver. 7. Restart the machine. #4 Install Intel Media Driver If you are still suffering from Intel Smart Sound Technology driver error, it might due to the lack of an optional driver...