透過計算機製造商安裝最新的顯示晶片驅動程式,或使用以下其中一個方法,從下載中心安裝最新的顯示晶元驅動程式。 安裝方法 1推薦- 使用Intel® 驅動程式與支援助理自動偵測並安裝驅動程序 下載Intel® 驅動程式與支援助理。有關詳細信息,請参閱Intel® 驅動程式與支援助理常見問題解答 。
使用以下方法中的說明,在 Windows® 10 和 Windows 11* 中識別您的Intel® Graphics Driver版本。 方法1:手動識別您的Intel® Graphics Driver 透過右鍵按下Windows開始圖示 開啟裝置管理員。選擇設備管理員將其打開。 如果系統提示您輸入使用者帳戶控制的許可權,請按下「是」。 展開「顯示適配器」區段,然後在...
On 03rd September 2024, Intel Inc. released DCH WHQL-based graphics driver version for Windows 11 & Windows 10 os. Operating System
On 05th September 2024, Intel Inc. released DCH-based graphics driver version for Windows 11 & Windows 10 os. Operating System Support Microsoft Windows* 10-64 - October 2022 Update (22H2) Microsoft Win dows* 11-64 - October 2021 Update (21H2) ...
Intel has released the latest version of its graphics driver for Windows. This update brings the Intel's driver to version number, and the big news is that it adds official support forWindows 11. That means a few things. For one thing, it means this is the first driver to...
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 I recently had to have Win 11 reinstalled. I don't think the tech installed the correct graphics driver, but I don't want to try to install a different one. I don't know what happened, but I turned off Hardware Ac...
Intel has released a new graphics driver for its GPUs from Intel 6th to latest 12th Gen (Alder Lake) on Windows 10 and Windows 11. This new driver (version brings the following changes: ISSUES FIXED: - Intermittent crash or hang seen in Ca
至于驱动问题,英特尔也是拼了老命了,更新速度比其他两家都要勤快,不到一年就发了20多版驱动,今天又推出了Intel Graphics Beta Driver驱动,支持Arc A系列显卡及Xe核显。 这是一款游戏优化驱动,主要是为《反恐精英2》《F1 23》《异形:坠入黑暗》《层层恐惧2》和《永远的天空》几款游戏做优化。
v101.1994 win10/win11 64-bit @ Intel v30.0.101.1994 Quick test of this driver on an IntelCore i5-12600K(with anUHD Graphics 770 GPU): OpenGL support v30.0.101.1994 This driver exposesOpenGL 4.6with 267 OpenGL extensions for an UHD Graphics 770. Same support than this old driver (v101.1404...
英特尔显卡驱动(Intel Graphics Driver)是英特尔官方的对Win10/11系统出品的专业游戏驱动软件,能够让用户的电脑支持更高的游戏需求,对于喜欢玩游戏的用户来说是非常好用的。 支持设备 第11代智能英特尔® 酷睿™处理器家族(代号 Tiger Lake、Rocket Lake、Tiger Lake-H) ...