Intel Graphics Driver不断崩溃。视频驱动程序崩溃并已重置。Intel Driver & Support Assistant 建议进行更新 如果是这种情况,并且未能安装建议的驱动程序,则需要从C:/ProgramData/Intel/DSA中删除文件和文件夹。文件可能是隐藏的,因此请确保取消隐藏它们。因此,如果你遇到任何问题,请访问Intel.com运行驱动程序故障排除...
按下Windows键 + I打开Windows设置。从左侧窗格中选择Windows更新。接下来,选择右侧的“高级选项”按钮。在附加选项下选择可选更新。要检查图形或其他驱动程序升级,请展开驱动程序更新。您的图形(通常称为显示器)由Intel Graphics Driver处理。如果没有它,您的屏幕将完全变黑,您将无法看到任何东西。因此,更新它...
環境 作業系統 Windows® 10*, Windows® 10, 64-bit* 注意 透過計算機製造商 安裝最新的顯示晶片驅動程式,或使用以下其中一個方法,從下載中心安裝最新的顯示晶元驅動程式。 此視頻介紹了更新Intel® Graphics Driver的方法。 This is a modal window. This video is either unavailable or not supported in ...
使用以下方法中的說明,在 Windows® 10 和 Windows 11* 中識別您的Intel® Graphics Driver版本。 方法1:手動識別您的Intel® Graphics Driver 透過右鍵按下Windows開始圖示 開啟裝置管理員。選擇設備管理員將其打開。 如果系統提示您輸入使用者帳戶控制的許可權,請按下「是」。 展開「顯示適配器」區段,然後在...
It was released for Windows 10. So, I'm not sure if is better than the Microsoft Basic Graphics Driver. You may consider to download and install the Lenovo System Update for Windows 11 if not installed yet. Leon Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply ...
On 03rd September 2024, Intel Inc. released DCH WHQL-based graphics driver version for Windows 11 & Windows 10 os. Operating System
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 I recently had to have Win 11 reinstalled. I don't think the tech installed the correct graphics driver, but I don't want to try to install a different one. I don't know what happened, but I turned off Hardware Ac...
Intel has released the latest version of its graphics driver, and it adds official support for WIndows 11, including features like Auto HDR.
Intel DCH Graphics driver version is now available for users with supported hardware. The main highlight of the update is "Windows 11 support," which enables Windows 11 Auto HDR on computers with Intel 10th gen CPUs. Besides, the latest driver brings F1 2021 support and reduced...
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 I recently had to have Win 11 reinstalled. I don't think the tech installed the correct graphics driver, but I don't want to try to install a different one. I don't know what happened, but I turned off Hardware A...