On 03rd September 2024, Intel Inc. released DCH WHQL-based graphics driver version for Windows 11 & Windows 10 os. Operating System
Solved: Hi, I've been trying to make my Intel HD Graphics 4440 on Windows 10 for the last day. Here is the link to the driver I tried to install:
Windows 11 Family*, Windows 10* (RS5), Windows 10* (21H2), Windows 10* (21H1), Windows 10* (20H2), Windows 10* (20H1), Windows 10* (19H2), Windows 10* (19H1) Size: 991.2 MB SHA1: 7F5E0797E92B42A5917948F65D89543515E63C20 Download gfx_win_101.3790_101.2114.zip Windows ...
If you want to set up this driver on a guest operating system, refer to the Virtualization Guide for Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series New Support for Multi Virtual Display General bug fixes and Enhancements Known Limitations HW Encode is not supported in Windows Server 2019 using VMWar...
Feb 10, 2025 ed8882e·Feb 10, 2025 History 43 Commits README License Security Intel® Graphics Driver Backports for Linux® OS (intel-gpu-i915-backports) This backport provides early access of discrete GFX functionalities which are not upstreamed yet. Currently we are supporting Intel® Ar...
在WPF 的 gfx 层的CD3DModuleLoaderInternal::CreateD3DObjects方法里面,将会调用d3d9.dll!Direct3DCreate9Ex方法,这是一个非常正常的创建 D3D9 的方法,在 d3d9.dll 的底层将会使用 d3d9on12.dll 模块进入到 D3D12.dll 里面,紧接着碰触了 Intel 的驱动模块,最后在 Intel 驱动模块抛出异常崩掉 ...
Radeon RX Vega M GH Graphics driver (proper version 24.20.13017.1009) -https://downloadmirror.intel.com/28172/a08/GFX_Radeon_BETA_Win10_64_18.9.1.exe This release of theCloud Gaming For Windowsis dedicated for Windows 10 OS. Following resources are needed to build and runCloud Gaming For Wi...
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-7820HK processor (KBL-H) PL1=45W TDP, 4C8T, Memory: 16 GB DDR4-2400 DDR4 SDRAM, Storage: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 500GB, Display Resolution: 1920x1080, OS: Microsoft Windows 10 10.0.18363.657, Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, Graphic...