英特尔已部署修复程序,建议你在计划安装Windows 10版本1809更新之前,通过Windows Update或英特尔网站更新Intel驱动程序。在一份支持文档中,英特尔指出该问题已通过Display Audio Driver版本10.25.0.10解决,该版本捆绑在英特尔图形驱动程序版本24.20.100.6286及更新版本中。英特尔解释说:“英特尔强烈建议所有第六代(代...
I just got an automatic Windows Update for (I am on the Win10 Slow Ring developer preview if that helps), but the driver is not listed anywhere on intel.com. Does anyone have the changelog by chance? Translate0 Kudos Reply ...
当前,具有Windows 10更新五月版更新和Intel DCH驱动程序版本27.20.100.8190或更高版本的计算机可以使用硬件加速的GPU调度功能。AMD和Nvidia正在基于Windows Display Driver Model 2.7开发新的GPU驱动程序,以实现硬件加速的GPU调度。如果你有兴趣,可以通过GeForce Experience应用获得Nvidia 446.14 WHQL Game Ready驱动程...
Windows Display Driver Model(WDDM),是微软新一代的图形驱动程序模型,近日微软向Win10用户推送了新版本的WDDM2.9驱动程序,使用intel显卡的用户以安装了!Win102005版本已经支持硬件加速GPU计划,需要WDDM2.7以上版本~详细参考: Win10安装最新WDDM2.7驱动及开启硬件加速GPU计划教程 ...
After Windows 10 Upgrade: Display driver stopped responding and has recovered: Display driver Intel HD graphics drivers for Windows 8(R) stopped responding and has successfully recovered. Subscribe More actions TGrah1 Novice 12-16-2015 08:59 AM 33,652 Views Computer is Dell M3800 w...
使用专业工具清理残留:卸载显卡驱动后,使用专业的驱动清理工具(如DDU, Display Driver Uninstaller)来清除可能遗留的文件和注册表入口。 3、调整安全软件设置 (图片来源网络,侵删) 临时禁用安全软件:安全软件可能会阻止驱动程序的安装,尝试在安装过程中暂时禁用或完全关闭安全软件。
I did a clean install of Win 10 Enterprise(10.0.10586) on my Yoga 2 Pro. Now I get every day or two: Display Driver stopped responding and has recovered Display driver Intel HD Graphics Drivers for Windows 8(R) stopped responding and has successfully recovered. ...
当前,具有Windows 10更新五月版更新和Intel DCH驱动程序版本27.20.100.8190或更高版本的计算机可以使用硬件加速的GPU调度功能。 AMD和Nvidia正在基于Windows Display Driver Model 2.7开发新的GPU驱动程序,以实现硬件加速的GPU调度。 如果你有兴趣,可以通过GeForce Experience应用获得Nvidia 446.14 WHQL Game Ready驱动程序,并...
Product: NC6120 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit) HP nc6120 - struggling to install display driver for intel 915Gm on *Windows 10* Hi- I am having the above problem - and, despite trying suggestions that suited Win7 & 8, I simply can't get the driver to...
Windows更新时自动安装驱动程序更新Intel Corporation - Display -,一装就死机蓝屏 DISM...