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doi:10.1038/nrm2107Arianne HeinrichsNature Reviews Molecular Cell BiologyHeinrichs A (2007) A centrosome-integrity checkpoint. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 8:98
RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | AOP, published online 17 January 2007; doi:10.1038/nrm2107 CELL CYCLE A centrosome-integrity checkpoint DOI: 10.1038/nrm2107 URLs CDK2 P24941 P21 P38936 P53 http://ca....
3.DNAStructureandIntegrityCheckpointsduring theCellCycle 2953 3.1.InitiationStepsinDNADamageCheckpoint ActivationsGeneralMechanisms 2954 3.2.G1/SCheckpoint2955 3.3.DNAReplicationCheckpointduringS(intra-S Checkpoint) 2956 3.4.G2Checkpoint2957 3.5.DecatenationCheckpoint2958 ...
DNA stress signal to the checkpoint kinases CHK1 and CHK2, which, in turn, arrest the cell cycle by directly modulating the activity of the effectors that control cell cycle progression (Chen and Sanchez, 2004; Sancar et al., 2004), the cyclin-dependent ...
The senior officials also noted the steps being taken by some countries to reduce delays at border crossings by entering into agreements with neighbouring countries for joint management of Customs checkpoints, establishment of integrated check posts and the single window and single stop procedures. 高...
Genetic dissection of the signaling pathway required for the cell wall integrity checkpoint Yuko Sukegawa†, Takahiro Negishi†, Yo Kikuchi†, Keiko Ishii, Miyuki Imanari, Farzan Ghanegolmohammadi, Satoru Nogami, and Yoshikazu Ohya* Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier ...
Role of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad53 Checkpoint Kinase in Signaling Double-Strand Breaks during the Meiotic Cell Cycle DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can arise at unpredictable locations after DNA damage or in a programmed manner during meiosis. DNA damage checkpoint respo... H.,Cartagena-Li...
Ribosome integrity and a new p53 tumor suppressor checkpoint. Opferman J T,Zambetti G P. Cell Death and Differentiation . 2006J.T. Opferman, G.P. Zambetti, Translational research? Ribosome integrity and a new p53 tumor suppressor checkpoint, Cell Death Differ. 13 (2006) 898-901....
Checkpoint data setis the general term used to describe the checkpoint data set that JES2 maintains on either DASD or acoupling facility. The checkpoint data set (regardless of whether it resides on acoupling facilitystructure or a DASD volume) contains a backup copy of the job and output que...