d Micronuclei in HeLa cells transfected for 48 h with the indicated sRNAi and scored for presence of CREST (minimum 200 micronuclei per treatment, per repeat). Results were analyzed using a one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s post hoc test. e HeLa cells were transfected with the indicated s...
4c). Given the well-established links between ATR activity and cell cycle checkpoints, we tested whether the migration defects of ATR-depleted cells were also connected to the cell cycle. Using U2OS-FUCCI cells that mark different phases of cell cycle33, we found that cell death in shATR ...
Intriguingly, loss of Par3—but not K14- promoter-driven Cre expression alone—resulted in increased basal activity of the upstream checkpoint kinase ATR, and ectopic activation of both ATR and Chk1 kinases following irradiation with UV-B, a physiological stressor of epidermal cells (Fig. 1j, ...
2F and G). Rottlerin treatment had no effect on the amount of CtxB bound to the cell surface (data not shown). We found that rottlerin delayed the retrograde transport of CtxB from the endosome to the ER via the Golgi. The percentage of cells in which CtxB had accumulated at the ...
We have demonstrated in earlier studies that MEFs with dysfunctional telomeres exhibited sensitivity towards arsenite induced genomic instability treatment [30]. Similar observations were made in the present study whereby mTERC-/- MEFs sustained shorter basal telomere length and exhibited significantly ...
53BP1 functions in an ATM-dependent checkpoint pathway that is constitutively activated in human cancer. Nat Cell Biol 2002; 4: 998–1002. 6. Schultz LB, Chehab NH, Malikzay A, Halazonetis TD. p53 binding protein 1 (53BP1) is an early participant in the cellular response to DNA ...
Intriguingly, loss of Par3—but not K14-promoter-driven Cre expression alone—resulted in increased basal activity of the upstream checkpoint kinase ATR, and ectopic activation of both ATR and Chk1 kinases following irradiation with UV-B, a physiological stressor of epidermal cells (Fig. 1j, k...