int sin 2 x sin 4 x sin 6 xdx =frac{1}{2} int(2 sin 2 x sin 4 x) sin 6 x d x =frac{1}{2} int[cos (2 x-4 x)-cos (2 x+4 x)] sin 6 {x} d x =frac{1}{2} int[cos (2 x)-cos (6 x)] sin 6 {x} {dx} =frac{1}{2}[int cos (2 x) sin (6 x) ...
Integrate the functione2xsinx View Solution Integrate the functionxsec2x View Solution Integrate the functionssinxsin2xsin3x View Solution Integrate the functionxlog2x View Solution Integrate the functionsx3√1−x8 Integrate the functionx2logx ...
2. The power rule:∫wcdw=wc+1c+1,c≠−1. 3. Common integration:∫sin(x)dx=−cos(x). Answer and Explanation:1 We have to solve the integration ofI=∫x7lnxdx Apply integration by parts forp=ln(x)and...
\ \int x \ sin \ x \ dx \\ \displaystyle c. \ \int x^2 \ sin \ x \ dx {/eq} Integration: Let us consider a function g(t) where t is time, then the integral to that function is found out as follows: {eq}\displaystyle \int g(t) \, dt = G(t) +...
integrate(f,a,b,(x_2,x_3,...,x_n)) 即需要在上下限后加入后面其他变量的值。 比如对于下式的计算: \int_0^1\sin x\cos y\tan z\ \text{d}y\quad x=2,\ z=3\\ 可以这样写: def f(y,x,z): return np.sin(x)*np.cos(y)*np.tan(z) print(integrate.quad(f,0,1,(2,3))...
说符号C式被保护起来的. C= 2 Set::wrsym: 符号 C 被保护. >> 2 D= 8 Set::wrsym: 符号 ...
\begin{split}\int \sin ^{4}x\d x&=\int (\sin ^{2}x)^{2}\d x\\&=\int \left (\dfrac {1-\cos 2x}{2}\right )^{2}\d x\\&=\int \left (\dfrac {1-2\cos 2x+\cos ^{2}2x}{4}\right )\d x\\&=\dfrac {1}{4}\left (\int 1\d x-2\int \cos 2x\d x+\int...
如果被积函数包含的振荡函数在积分区域上不是高度振荡的,将其排除在振荡内核以外可能会更有效. 例如,Sin[x] 在区域 {x,0,5} 上不是高度振荡的."Kernel" 方法选项可用于指定被积函数的振荡部分.使用内核为 Sin[1000x] 的"LevinRule". 因子 Sin[x] 没有包括在振荡内核中,而是包括在振幅中:...
升级到 PRO 应用程序 导览integrate sin(x)/(2i)*(e^(e^(ix))-e^(e^(-ix)))/(x^2+3^2) from x=0 to 10000 using the midpoint method with 20000 intervals自然语言 数学输入扩展键盘示例上传随机
in22:=Integrate[sin[x]/(1+y^2+z^2-2∙y*Sin[x])^1.5,{x,0,2*Pi}]s。42478yBprqeerie2|1.25,1.75,2,]ou[22]=ConditionalExpression[-(1+y2+z2)25 Re [ (1+2z^2+(y^2+z^2)^2)/(y^2) ] ≥ 2 ⋯ Re [ (1+2z^2+(y^2+z^2)^2)/(y^2) ] =-2 1+2z+(+z...