fXsec->Draw(); fXsec->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("cos#theta"); fXsec->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); fXsec->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("d#sigma/dcos#theta (cm^{-2})"); fXsec->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); fXsec->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4); gPad->SetLogy(1);doubletotXsec = fX...
IEs, in contrast to ODEs and PDEs, are non-local equations1since to evaluate the integral operator\(\mathop{\int}\nolimits_{\alpha (t)}^{\beta (t)}{G}_{\theta }(\bullet ,t,s){\rm{d}}s:{\mathcal{A}}\longrightarrow {\mathcal{A}}\)on a functiony, we need the value of...
In summary, the integral \int_{0}^{\infty} \frac{cos{ax}+x sin{ax}}{1+x^2} dx has different solutions for different values of a. For a = 0, the integral reduces to \frac{\pi}{2}. For a > 0, the integral is equal to \pi e^{-a}. For a < 0, the integral is equal...
after using partial fractions to prove his main formula, obtained formally by allowing the parameters $n, p, zeta and theta$ to take particular, even pure imaginary, values : the Fourier cosine and two-sided Laplace transforms of the trigonometric and of the hyperbolic secant (also squared), ...