early American insurrections - raising provocative issues for military historyfour groups - Coode's, Culpeper's, Leisler's, and Bacon's rebellionsseventeenth-century rebellions and Bacon's and Leisler'sCoode's Rebellion - Lois Green Carr and David William Jordan's Maryland's Revolution of ...
Fearon, J. D., & Laitin, D. D. (2003). Ethnicity, insurgency, and civil war.American Political Science Review,97(1), 75–90. ArticleGoogle Scholar Fuller, G. E. (1995). The demographic backdrop to ethnic conflict: A geographic overview. In C. I. Unit (Ed.),The challenge of et...
This old documentary "Revolution Underway" details how Communist revolutionaries used black power groups and other "minorities" to wage war against the West. Members of the Black Panthers line up at a rally at DeFremery Park in Oakland, Calif. This old documentary “Revolution Underway” details ...
American historyMusicAmerican literature Hip-Hop at Sea| Verbal Insurrections and Remixes of the Middle Passage HOWARD UNIVERSITY David Green PegramTrevon AnthonyThis thesis explores the links and connections between the use of Middle Passage narratives in traditional literary forms (slave narratives and ...