Recent insurrections against democracy also seem to confirm the catastrophist view of democide. These mob rebellions are as spooky as they were unexpected. Nobody anticipated that Washington would witness a well-organized assault on the Capitol by a mob hellbent on overturning an election result, ...
And so I started with this kind of fear that the crisis of persuasion, the loss of faith and persuasion was, in a way, one of the major things leading to the breakdown of democracy, not just coups and insurrections, but a belief in so many of us that this whole thing basi...
Not just coups and insurrections, but a belief in so many of us that this whole thing basically doesn’t really work. And through the reporting in the book and writing the book, I ended up getting to a place of profound optimism that it is possible still to persuade that it is ...
Many others were statements of disagreement plus some insult. The shortest was my favorite: “Idoit”. Whether that was a typo or a bit of intentional cleverness, I’m not sure. (When I was in high school, my friends and I would intentionally mispronouncepseudo-intellectualthe way it looks...
in further insurrections against the Ottomans as well as the rival Dăneşti clan supported by the Hungarian warlord, John Hunyadi. Ultimately, Hunyadi overran Dracula’s father, slew him in the marshes of Bălteni and blinded and buried Mircea alive at Târgovişte. Hunyadi installed a ...
Mandeladiedin 2013 at the age of 95. What he and countless other South Africans did seems like a miracle today. Their country is still afflicted by many socioeconomic divisions that linger from apartheid. But few are talking anymore about armed insurrections and a ...