Recent data further indicate that chronic stress, associated with hypercortisolemia and prolonged SNS activation, promotes visceral accumulation of adipose tissue and insulin resistance, hence, contributing to the clinical presentation of central obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. On the...
Considerable overlap has been identified in the risk factors, comorbidities and putative pathophysiological mechanisms of Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRDs) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), two of the most pressing epidemics of our time. Much is known about the biology of each cond...
He hopes that his group’s studies will encourage the medical community to use this new strategy “to potentially reverse type 2 diabetes in its early stages.” If that were permanent, it would be huge news. But even a one or two year holiday from high blood sugar that intensive insulin ...
The latest study included nearly 250 people with type 2 diabetes, aged 18 to 75. None had received long-term insulin therapy before the trial. The participants' diabetes was considered inadequately controlled, with A1Cs of 7% to 9.5%. A1C is a measure that estimates blood sugar levels over ...
skin, though there’s also a version that you inhale. If you havetype 1 diabetes, you need insulin because your pancreas no longer makes the hormone. If you havetype 2 diabetes, you may need insulin, though many people with this form of the disease can control their blood sugar without ...
two threats: on the one hand, the risk of developing insulin resistance, which is a precursor to type 2 diabetes, and on the other hand, an accumulation of fat inliver cells, which is known as "fatty liver" syndrome. This accumulation of lipids indeed induces an alteration in the ...
Given the continued interest in defining the optimal management of individuals with type 2 diabetes, the Editor of Diabetes Care convened a working party of diabetes specialists to examine this topic in the context of insulin therapy. This was prompted by recent new evidence on the use of insuli...
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing worldwide and creating a significant burden on health systems, highlighting the need for the development of innovative therapeutic approaches to overcome immune dysfunction, which is likely a key factor in the development of insulin resistance in...
Patients were eligible if they had been identified as having type 2 diabetes and had undergone at least two valid glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA 1c) tests. Additionally, patients had to have poor glycemic control on the index date (HbA 1c>7.4), no use of insulin 6 months prior to the ...
In this study, 718 outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with LHs were assigned to one of two age class subgroups (≤ 65 years and > 65 years) in order to evaluate whether age influences LH prevalence and various factors associated with LHs. ...