int goto_fn(bool b) { if (!b) { goto exit; // C2362 } else { /*...*/ } int error_code = 42; exit: return error_code; } Dobrym stylem programowania jest użycie instrukcji break, continuei return zamiast instrukcji goto , gdy jest to możliwe. Jednak ponieważ break ...
This symbol means that waste electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and batteries, if any, shall be separately collected and disposed of, not as unsorted municipal waste. This will ensure that waste products are recycled and treated in a manner that conserves valuable materials and protects ...
Don't connect input cable to U/V/W, or else, servo drive will be damaged. 2. When user conects external resistor, please remove the wire between B2 and B3 and connect external resistor between B1 and B2. Wrong wiring may damage servo drive. 3. Don't connect braking resistor between ...