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For the report memberships, you can use your PayPal account or credit card to make payments. Instant Checkmate will bill you at the end of every period (either monthly or quarterly depending on the plan you pick). This also means that if you sign up for the three-month plan, you will ...
As is already described earlier,using Instant Checkmate is not free. You need to pay for the service to use the service. Instant Checkmate offers subscription plans on a monthly basis. You cannot buy individual reports even if you are looking for a one time use only. Is TruthFinder free? T...
ICM. INSTANT CHECKMATE show up on a credit card that was being question by my bank about fraud charges. After reviewing the charges we noticed ICM on the monthly billing. I will challenge the charge being I have no idea who or what this guys are. Interesting the ICM show up at the ...
If your payment for a full term is declined due to insufficient funds, the Company reserves the right to bill in monthly installments based on the monthly rates associated with the Membership Plan you selected. Non-Standard Membership Plans. InstantCheckmate sometimes offers promotional membership ...