Official Instant Checkmate website. Try our People Search & Reverse Phone Lookup today to search anyone online. Enter a name or phone number to begin a search.
You will be glad to knowInstant Checkmate is legit, and they are, for the most part, upfront about the services they provide. However, you need to read the fine print —make sure you cancel that subscription on time to avoid extra charges! As you will see, they have an A+ rating w...
By this point, you know we are talking about a background check service. So yes, Instant Checkmate is a background check company that provides comprehensive reports of data sourced from public records. They promise to provide information on anyone that has or had a life in the US. It was ...
Instant Checkmate Customer Support JaniceIndianapolis, IN Verified purchase Customer ServiceStaff Reviewed Jan. 14, 2025 I have great service, and she answer all my questions. The service representative was professional and great great and she answer all my questions. I canceled my subscription for...
Both Instant Checkmate and BeenVerified offer a money-back guarantee. This allows users to cancel their accounts and receive a full refund if they’re not satisfied with the service. However, some conditions must be met to qualify for the refund. ...
I saw a charge on my credit card of $34.78 from Instant Checkmate when I received my monthly bill. I didn't know what this charge was and I did not authorize this charge. Capitol 1 has to now cancel this card. Helpful 0 0 Not Helpful Tim on August 09, 2020 Randomly started ...
InstantCheckmate will charge the recurring membership fee of $35.47 to the same payment option you use today until you cancel. To cancel your subscription, call 800-222-8985 between the hours of 7am and 4pm Pacific Monday - Friday (except holidays) or log in to your account dashboard to ...