instance 0是实例到VLAN的映射,默认将VLAN 1 to 4094映射到instance 0。所以默认instance 0代表所有VLAN.可以通过执行命令display stp region-configuration 查看instance到VLAN的映射关系 stp instance 0 root primary 这条命令的作用是将这台交换机作为主根桥 另外stp instance 0 root primary 指定根桥,...
instance 1 vlan 10 30 50 instance 2 vlan 20 40 active region-configuration 因为CE1是实例1的主转发设备,CE1的MSTP实例优先级配置如下: stp instance 1 root primary /配置为MSTP实例1的根桥 stp instance 2 root secondary /配置为MSTP实例2的备用根桥 对于实例1所属VLAN的二层转发路径,如图: 查看CE3,...
Configure SEP protected instances, and set mappings between SEP protected instances and user VLANs to ensure that topology changes affect only corresponding VLANs. Add all the devices on the ring network to the SEP segments, and configure GE0/0/1as the primary edge interface and GE0/...
Configure SEP protected instances, and set mappings between SEP protected instances and user VLANs to ensure that topology changes affect only corresponding VLANs. Add all the devices on the ring network to the SEP segments, and configure GE1/0/1as the primary edge interface and GE1/0/3as ...
Figure 1.VLANs in the Chassis vs. the Instance Independent Interface States in the Chassis and in the Instance You can administratively enable and disable interfaces in both the chassis and in the instance. For an interface to be operational, the interface must be enab...
Figure 1.VLANs in the Chassis vs. the Instance Independent Interface States in the Chassis and in the Instance You can administratively enable and disable interfaces in both the chassis and in the instance. For an interface to be operational, the interface must b...
stp instance 0 root primary #设置为根交换机 interface Vlanif1 # interface Vlanif10 ip address # interface Vlanif20 ip address # interface Vlanif200 ip address ...
WithPrimaryPeerAddressPrefix ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.DefinitionStages.WithSecondaryPeerAddressPrefix ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.DefinitionStages.WithVlanId ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.Update ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.UpdateStages ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.UpdateStages.WithAdvertisedPublicPrefixes...
WithVlanId ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.Update ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.UpdateStages ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.UpdateStages.WithAdvertisedPublicPrefixes ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.UpdateStages.WithPeerAsn ExpressRouteCircuitPeering.UpdateStages.WithPrimaryPeerAddressPrefix ExpressRouteC...
VLAN provides logical isolation between broadcast domains at layer 2 by creating virtual networks. Multiple VLANs are bounded by differing segments [69]. The primary function of VLAN is to ensure that all the virtual networks are able to share the same physical infrastructure while being properly ...