The following example shows how to usepkgaddto install theSUNWaudiopackage from a mounted Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition CD. Note - The name of this product is Solaris 8 but code and path or package path names might useSolaris_2.8orSunOS_5.8. Always follow the code or...
2. Install the Sun Shared Visualization 1.1 software on all graphics servers. The Sun Grid Engine optional software is not installed on these servers. Instead, these servers mount the optional software from the NFS server. 3. Configure each system planned to be a graphics server. ...
Before you begin working with the Rational Integration Tester project in your Maven build, you must complete installing the requisite software.
On the VMware CLI, run the esxcli software vib install -v=/tmp/vmware-xxx-storcli.vib --no-sig-check command to install the StorCLI tool. /tmp/vmware-xxx-storcli.vib is the complete path of the StorCLI tool file. The StorCLI installation directory is /opt/lsi/storcli/. You need to ...
Read and accept the Asus software license agreement, and then click[Next]③. Choose[Extract]④and then click[Next]⑤. Read the important information and then click[Next]⑥. When selecting the destination folder, connect the USB flash drive to the device and click[Browse]⑦. ...
For firmware that is not released under the product software path, download the firmware file and user guide from the official website of the device vendor and manually install the firmware. After the drivers are installed, enter q to exit the script, run the ./ command again, and...
After the AP finds the primary controller, it attempts to download the software image if the AP software release differs from the controller release version. While this is happening, the status LED blinks blue. If the software image download is successful, the AP reboots. Step ...
Software from additional repositories may be installed by enabling the Show: Unsupported and Show: proprietary software checkboxes if they are enabled in your repository list. For more information, see the Repositories page. Once this has finished, click Close.Your new programs are installed, ready...
Install software needed to build the software: # yum install podman make git -y Create an Ignition config file that creates a systemd unit file: $ mkdir kmods; cd kmods $ cat <<EOF > ./baseconfig.ign { "ignition": { "version": "2.2.0" }, "passwd": { "users": [ { "name"...
to do so on servers because printer driver installation on a server may unintentionally cause the computer to become less stable. A malicious user could install inappropriate printer drivers in a deliberate attempt to damage the computer, or a user might accidentally install...