If you would like to install a program from a disc, use the following steps: Insert the disc into your PC or external CD-DVD drive, and then follow the instructions on your screen. You might be asked for an admin password. If install doesn't start automatically, check ...
If you would like to install a program from a disc, use the following steps:Insert the disc into your PC or external CD-DVD drive, and then follow the instructions on your screen. You might be asked for an admin password.If install doesn't start automatically, check your...
cd "${tmp}/fusion" if ! curl -fLO https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-${fedora_release}.noarch.rpm; then fedora_release=$((fedora_release - 1)) tries=$((tries - 1)) continue fi if ! curl -fLO https://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedor...
If you can agree to Extended Survey Program, click [ Agree ]. If you click [ Do not agree ], the Extended Survey Program will not be installed. (This has no effect on the machine's functionality.) When the Test Print window is displayed Test printing will be performed to check the pr...
ceph-libboost-program-options$ver-dev \ ceph-libboost-python$ver-dev \ ceph-libboost-random$ver-dev \ ceph-libboost-regex$ver-dev \ ceph-libboost-system$ver-dev \ ceph-libboost-test$ver-dev \ ceph-libboost-thread$ver-dev \ ...
Download and run the DacFramework.msi installer for Windows Open a new Command Prompt window, and run SqlPackage SqlPackage is installed to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160\DAC\bin folderUninstall SqlPackageIf you installed SqlPackage using the Windows installer, then uninstall the...
SqlPackage is installed to theC:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160\DAC\binfolder Uninstall SqlPackage If you installed SqlPackage using the Windows installer, then uninstall the same way you remove any Windows application. If you installed SqlPackage with a .zip or other archive, then delet...
Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST? (leave only one on its own line) /kind bug Description Fresh install RHEL 8.6 SELINUX disabled until able to get podman working. Can't run any containers, the containers do get created but then do...
\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\ProtectionAgents\RA\3.0.<build number>.0\amd64** where<assigned drive letter>is the drive letter that you assigned in the previous step and<build number>is the latest DPM build number. For example:cd /d X:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\ProtectionAgents\...
cd \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\16\bin PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -wait -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures -cmd secureresources Important The SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard also starts an immediate upgrade of the configura...