首先我们要现在vscode和mingw64安装包 由于网络原因,vscode和mingw64的安装包下载比较慢,冲哥这里已经下载好了并上传到了网盘,有需要的可以再后台回复vscode获取下载链接。 VScode安装包下载后,直接双击如下,点击同意,然后点击下一步 选择安装路径,然后点击下一步 继续下一步 根据个人需求在框里打勾,然后点击下一步 ...
1. 打开浏览器并访问VSCode官方网站(https://code.visualstudio.com/)。2. 点击页面上的”Download”按钮,可以根据自己的操作系统选择相应的版本。3. 下载完成后,双击安装程序并按照提示进行安装。4. 在安装过程中,可以选择是否关联文件类型和创建快捷方式等选项,按照自己的需求进行选择。5. 完成安装后,打开VSCode应...
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/vscode stable main" 更新软件包列表并安装VS Code: bash sudo apt update sudo apt install code 方法二:使用脚本一键安装 如果你希望简化安装步骤,可以使用以下脚本一键安装VS Code: bash #!/bin/bash echo "Install Visua...
https://www.liwenzhou.com/posts/Go/00_go_in_vscode/ 1.1.配置 go 加速代理 go 全球加速代理站点:https://goproxy.io 在vscode 或者 cmd 终端中执行以下命令配置代理 # 快捷键 ctrl+`# 查看 go 的环境配置go env# 开启代理设置,Go-1.13 以上默认启用go env -wGO111MODULE=on# 设置代理go env -wGO...
Ubuntu 18.04 : install vscode 1. update the packages index and install the dependencies by typing: sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget 2. import the Microsoft GPG key using the followingwget command:...
install vscode on centos 1.down load package from https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/?dv=linux64 2.tar zxf code-stable-code_1.18.1-1510857349_amd64.tar.gz 3.mv VSCode-linux-x64 /usr/local/ 4.chmod +x /usr/local/VSCode-linux-x64/code...
sudo snap install vscode --classic And that is all you have to do, if you want to uninstall vscode, simply run: sudo snap remove vscode To update visual studio code to latest stable version, run: sudo snap refresh vscode Alternatively, you can install the snap version of Vscode from the...
On Debian 12 or 11, you can install VSCode using Microsoft’s official APT repository. This method provides easy access to both the latest stable version and the Insiders build, ensuring that your development environment is always up-to-date with the newest features. This guide will walk you ...
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/vscode stable main" 1. Once theapt repository is enabled, install the Visual Studio Code package: sudo apt install code 1. When a new version is released you can update the Visual Studio Code package through yo...
install vscode yarn 因为在此系统上禁止运行yarn visual studio安装被阻止,近几天打算安装VS2010SP1,然而总是提示计算机环境导致无法安装,没有更详细的错误提示,让我很是挠头。按微软SP1的安装说明文档,说原来安装过SP1需要重新安装VS2010才能再次安装SP1,但我重装N