1. 打开Ubuntu终端 首先,你需要打开Ubuntu的终端。你可以通过点击菜单栏中的“终端”图标来打开它。 2. 更新Ubuntu的包列表 在终端中,输入以下命令来更新Ubuntu的包列表,以确保你安装的是最新版本的软件: bash sudo apt update 3. 安装Visual Studio Code的软件包 你可以选择以下任意一种方法来安装VSCode: 方法...
To install VS Code, open the Ubuntu terminal and run: sudo snap install vscode --classic And that is all you have to do, if you want to uninstall vscode, simply run: sudo snap remove vscode To update visual studio code to latest stable version, run: sudo snap refresh vscode Alternatively...
That’s it. Visual Studio Code has been installed on your Ubuntu machine. If you prefer using a GUI, open Ubuntu Software, search for “Visual Studio Code” and install the application: Whenever a new version is released, Visual Studio Code package will be automatically updated in the backgr...
Ubuntu 18.04 : install vscode 1. update the packages index and install the dependencies by typing: sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget 2. import the Microsoft GPG key using the followingwget command: wget -q https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/mi...
sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget wget -qhttps://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc-O- | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/vscodestable main" ...
Search for Ubuntu Software. Click the top result and launch the app. In the search bar on the top left, search for VScode. Click the top result for Code. Click the Install button. If prompted, enter your password. Follow the steps on your screen for installation. If you're ha...
install vscode on ubuntu18 Visual StudioCode is an open source cross-platform code editor developed by Microsoft. It has a built-in debugging support, embeddedGitcontrol, syntax highlighting, code completion, integrated terminal, code refactoring and snippets....
Verify that the icon for VScode is created on the Application menu and open it. Now you can use the Vs code, it has been successfully installed on your Ubuntu instance. We hope you enjoyed this article. Yum unstaller learn more about VS code ...
Install VSCodium on Ubuntu via APT Command Now that our system is primed and ready, we can install VSCodium. You can install either the standard stable release, which mirrors the VSCode’s stable build, or the pre-release version (Insiders), a counterpart of VSCode’s Insiders build. The ...
unable to load vs code on ubuntu,, I click on icon and it just spins vscode-triage-bot assigned Tyriar on Sep 21, 2021 Tyriar added the *question label on Oct 7, 2021 vscode-triage-bot commented on Oct 7, 2021 We closed this issue because it is a question about using VS Cod...