$su$apt-get install sudo$vim /etc/sudoers 1 2 3 在文本中添加: "username"ALL=(ALL)ALL 1 保存设置。
3 打开Debian官网,点击顶部的:取得Debian 4 把页面滑到底部点击Debian软件包 5 把页面滑动到中部,把过程缺少的软件包名称复制进去然后发行版选择oldstable 6 点击匹配结果的蓝色链接 7 在页面底部选择自己的系统架构 8 随意点击一个站点都可以下载 9 在下载的目录打开终端安装就可以了sudo dpkg -i libpng12-0_...
sudo systemctl restart chrony Step 1g: Install packages sudo apt-getinstall-y libsasl2-2sudo apt-getinstall-y libgtk2.0-0 Step 1h: Add repositories to install the necessary dependencies For Debian 11, add thedeb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bullseye mainline to the...
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key Select your Debian version and add the WineHQ sources file to your system: Now update the package repository database and install Wine as shown. Installing Wine Using Source Code on Debian, U...
Docker install on Debian 10 Docker Installation # Debian 10 (Buster)# Docs: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/apt-getinstall\--no-install-recommends\--yes\sudoforpkgindocker.io docker-docdocker-composepodman-docker containerd runc;dosudoapt-getremove$pkg;donesudoapt-getupdatesudoapt...
sudo dpkg --purge packages-microsoft-prod && sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb sudo apt-get update Then, try to install .NET again. If that doesn't work, you can run a manual install with the following commands:If you're using Debian 12 or later, try the following commands:Bash...
Uninstall Docker from Debian Once you do not need Docker on your system, uninstall it with the followingaptcommand: sudo apt purge [installed-docker-package] For example, to uninstalldocker-ce, type: sudo apt purge docker-ce The command deletes thedocker-cepackage. However, any additionalfiles...
最后,我们需要重新启动SSH服务以应用更改。在终端中输入以下命令: sudo systemctl restart ssh 至此,我们已经成功地在Debian系统中安装了SSH服务。现在,你可以使用SSH客户端连接到你的计算机,并利用加密通道进行安全的数据交换。通过配置适当的SSH设置,我们可以更好地保护系统和数据的安全性。
How to Install Go on Debian 12 Before starting the installation, ensure the Debian server is up to date. Update therepositorywith the following: sudo apt update -y Step 1: Download Go To start the installation process: 1. Visit theGo downloads page. ...
sudo reboot Summary In this article, we’ve shown how to easily upgrade the Linux kernel on the Ubuntu system. There is yet another procedure that we haven’t shown here as it requires compiling the kernel from the source, which is not recommended on production Linux systems. ...