Note: the command “usermod” directly might not work because /usr/sbin is not in the PATH by default on some distributions (like the latest Debian I tested). That’s why I use the full path. Once done, you need to exit both sessions and reconnect to get access to sudo from the no...
I have created a new debian test container the way you have shown so far its working fine with regards to sudo. Will test it for few days for any issues. For now I am planning to create new arch containers to replace the existing ones ...
proposed working fix (patched version VERSION_ID=$(echo $VERSION_ID | cut -d . -f 1) I could not find the installer script in the repo. Therefore no pull request. laduke transferred this issue from zerotier/ZeroTierOne Nov 6, 2024 Contributor glimberg co...
Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS下安装ifconfig和使用ifconfig命令的方法本文介绍在Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS Linux系统下安装ifconfig和使用ifconfig命令的方法。内容包括:显示网络接口信息、为网络接口分配IP地址和网络掩码、启用和禁用网络接口、启用和禁用Promiscuous模式、更改网络接口的MTU、更改网络接口的MAC地址。 简介 ...
Debian系列以“apt”命令为基础,“apt”代表了Advanced Package Tool。APT是一个为Debian系列系统(Ubuntu,Kubuntu等等)开发的高级包管理器,在Gnu/Linux系统上,它会为包自动地,智能地搜索,安装,升级以及解决依赖。 root@tecmint:~# apt-get install mplayer ...
November 21, 2010Centos,Debian,LinuxCentos,Linux During custom compiling of applications, sometimes you will see error messages like the following: make: depmod: Command not found That doesn’t necessarily mean your computer doesn’t have something installed, but it could mean the program just coul...
This looks fine to me. How can I possibly get NPM working with sudo command? I had to do sudo apt-get install npm that worked for me. The npm file should be in/usr/local/bin/npm. If it's not there, install node.js again with the package on theirwebsite. This worked in my cas...
1 Sudo command not found OS X Yosemite 0 sudo command is not working in ubuntu 14.04 0 error in sudo config, need help to fix 3 getting an error on ubuntu : Command 'sudo' is available in '/usr/bin/sudo' 3 Mac 10.10.5 throwing error sudo: gpasswd: command not found 4 ...
I do have Cisco AnyConnect but the problem I am experiencing (see above) occurs independent of whether VPN is working or not, so the underlying issue does not seem to be related to the "Cisco AnyConnect" problem for which I have also seen suggestions posted. ...
If you run a program in SSH, and then close out ssh you can not get back into the console. However you can use screen to attach + detach a console. If you have centos, run $ yum -y install screen If you have debian/ubuntu run $ sudo apt-get install screen Once installed. Type ...