ssh service setup completed!restart the service! $COLOR_END"30else31echo-e"$COLOR SSH service setting failed, please try again,exit! $COLOR_END"32fi33sudosystemctl restart sshd34}3536set_vimrc(){37echo-ne"$COLOR"38echo-e"Please enter relevant information to set vimrc file"39read -p"ple...
Running third party shell scripts is not always considered a best practice, but in this case, NodeSource implements their own logic in order to ensure the correct commands are being passed to your package manager based on distro and version requirements. If you are satisfied that the script is...
exit1;fi;echo'Testing Ubuntu version...'VERSION=`lsb_release -rs` MAJOR=`exprmatch"$VERSION"'\([0-9]*\)'`if["$MAJOR"-lt16]thenecho'This script is intented to install on modern operating systems; Your'echo'operating system is too old for this script.'echo'You can still install Phab...
2.4.1 与windows共存 网上很多教程都在极力劝说不要选择第一个选项与windows共存,实际上,Ubuntu会自动检测空白的分区(就是我刚刚分配的100GB),并不会覆盖windows的文件数据。 在下图中,nvme1是我的第二块硬盘,我在windows下使用了nvme1p1分区,而Ubuntu很完美地避开了这一块区域,自动做出了相应的更改。 在这里插入...
UbuntuTo deploy PowerShell binaries on Linux distributions that aren't officially supported, you need to install the necessary dependencies for the target OS in separate steps. For example, our Amazon Linux dockerfile installs dependencies first, and then extracts the Linux tar.gz archive.Installati...
Sometimes, this error will appear when we reinstall the Ubuntu in WSL. File not found error in WSL In this case, open Powershell and run the following command: wsl -l -v This will list the installed Linux systems. Find the name of the system, that is throwing the error, in my case...
Edit the xrdp start script:sudo nano /etc/xrdp/ In this file, replace the lines 代码语言:shell 复制 test-x/etc/X11/Xsession&&exec/etc/X11/Xsessionexec/bin/sh /etc/X11/Xsession with 代码语言:shell 复制 #(@obsolete)startxfce4/usr/bin/startplasma-x11 ...
You can directly open your Linux distribution by visiting the Windows Start menu and typing the name of your installed distributions. For example: "Ubuntu". This will open Ubuntu in its own console window. From Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell, you can enter the name of your installed dis...
bbb-install.shis a shell script that automates the installation/upgrade steps (view thesourceto see all the details). Depending on your server's internet connection,bbb-install.shcan fully install and configure BigBlueButton on a server that meets theminimum production use requirementsin under 30 ...
template shell = /bin/bash WORKGROUPis the first field inREALM, andREALMis the Kerberos realm name in uppercase. Configurensswitch Open/etc/nsswitch.conf, and appendwinbindto the following lines: passwd: compat winbind group: compat winbind ...