This article will show how to execute shell scripts through command line input. Concerning this particular article, I've tested it on Ubuntu 24.04, Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04. Before demonstrating how to execute a shell script through CLI, we will first see how to create a shell script. ...
You may go through the steps manually, or use a python script that must be run with root or sudo permissions. wget -O /tmp/ sudo python /tmp/ Afterward, you should have...
as it caches all the downloaded packages from the internet on theapt-cacheserver, and the rest of the Debian and Ubuntu machines get them from an apt-cache server, which will save our precious time and internet bandwidth as well.
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64 bit) Kernel Name: Linux Kernel Version: 6.2.0-36-generic X Server Vendor: The X.Org Foundation X Server Release: 12101004 X Window Manager: GNOME Shell Steam Runtime Version: steam-runtime_0.20231024.64411 Video Card: ...
However, you're better off just writing the shell script in the Bash environment itself. The Ubuntu-based Bash environment comes with both theviandnanotext editors. The vi editor is more powerful, but if you've never used it before, you may want to start with nano. It's easier to use...
ThepostCreateCommandactions are run once the container is created, so you can also use the property to run commands likenpm installor to execute a shell script in your source tree (if you have mounted it). "postCreateCommand":"bash scripts/" ...
I had not heard of chpasswd, but it seems to work with the unattended script. Now the user has a password for sudo. adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" --shell /bin/bash $USER adduser $USER sudo echo "$USER:$PASS" | sudo chpasswd Share Improve this answer F...
lxc-createis the command to create containers but not to run them. We specify a name (-n) and a configuration file to use (-f) and use one of the pre-built template (-t) —similar to a Docker image. We specify the container to use the ubuntu (-d) focal release (-r) in amd...
ubuntu16.04系统run方式安装nvidia显卡驱动 禁用nouveau:安装nvidia显卡驱动首先需要禁用nouveau,不然会碰到冲突的问题,导致无法安装nvidia显卡驱动 # sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 在文件最后部分插入以下两行内容 blacklistnouveau options nouveau modeset=0 ...
Azure PowerShell 复制 New-AzResourceGroup -Name SampleRG -Location westeurope New-AzResourceGroupDeployment ` -ResourceGroupName SampleRG ` -TemplateFile ./main.bicep ` -vmAdminUsername "<admin-user>" Bash ScriptYou can also use the bash script under the bicep folder to dep...