npmERR!This is an errorwithnpm itselfPlease reportthiserror at:npmERR!<>PSD:\react\reactdemo> 这个时候,需要打开cmd,以管理员身份运行,进入到d盘的React项目里面,运行npm install fetch-jsonp,安装fetch-jsonp模块,即可 后面总结了一下,其实最好用的办法就是在Visual Studio Code的终...
$ npm install react@18.0.0# 相当于(假设当前 react 的 latest 为 18.0.0)$ npm config set save-exact true$ npm install react 那么安装就不会下载符合 ^x.y.z 或 ~x.y.z 范围的版本了。安装 ^ 或 ~ 版本 使用 npm install <name> 安装包时,它会以 ^x.y.z 形式添加到 package.json ...
npm ERR! Unable to authenticate, need: BASIC realm="Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" 背景:时隔半年,又回到前端开发的岗位上,这次接触的是React,安装个包就把我给整懵了。 上述错误是指项目有非公开包的情况下,下载依赖会显示没有权限,这时候需要找项目组要到相关账号密码,例如:yourusername/yourpassword 1....
npm install my-react@npm:react npm install jquery2@npm:jquery@2 npm install jquery3@npm:jquery@3 npm install npa@npm:npm-package-arg npm install [<@scope>/]<name>@<tag>: Install the version of the package that is referenced by the specified tag. If the tag does not exist in the ...
npm install my-react@npm:react npm install jquery2@npm:jquery@2 npm install jquery3@npm:jquery@3 npm install npa@npm:npm-package-arg npm install [<@scope>/]<name>@<tag>: Install the version of the package that is referenced by the specified tag. If the tag does not exist in the ...
XXX就是你报错提示的那个文件的名字,然后根据ls可以查看具体的问题,然后根据实际情况来对该文件进行对应的操作,比如安装、删除等,操作之后再通过ls命令查看一次该文件,会看到已经没有问题。 2、重新npm install 处理了报错提示的文件之后,再次重新npm install,项目就不再报错,问题解决。
NPM Install Peers CLI command to install npm peerDependencies. This can be useful when developing modules. Consider the following dependencies: {"dependencies": {"react-router":"4.2.0"},"devDependencies": {},"peerDependencies": {"moment":"2.21.0"}, } ...
dependabot/npm_and_yarn/ajv-6.12.6 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/handlebars-4.7.7 @fluent-windows/core@1.0.0 @fluent-windows/hooks@1.0.0 @fluent-windows/icons@1.0.0 @fluent-windows/styles@1.0.0 @fluent-ui/core@1.0.0-alpha.4 ...
It cannot be installed in react 18. npm ERR! Found: react@18.2.0 npm ERR! node_modules/react npm ERR! react@"^18.2.0" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency: npm ERR! peer react@"^16.8.6" from pro-gallery@4...
Griddle 是一款功能强大的 React 表格组件,其 npm 包是 griddle-react,安装方法: npm install griddle-react@alpha