To install Create React App: Open a terminal(Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell). Create a new project folder:mkdir ReactProjectsand enter that directory:cd ReactProjects. Install React using vite : PowerShell npm create vite@latestmy-react-app ---templatereact Once...
npm create vite@latest vite-project -- --template react The above command will create the new project named “vite-project”. The “–template react” specifies that there is a “React” app with Vite: As seen, the “vite-project” is created successfully. Next, navigate to the “vite-p...
Electron Forge React template with Preact Signals, Vite, TS, Prettier, Eslint, Radix-UI, shadcn/UI and Tailwind CSS. - click2install/electron-react-radix-vite-tailwind
React Vite Starter with Tailwind CSS, Axios, React Icons, and Sass. This project is built with modern tools to quickly bootstrap a React app with Vite, Tailwind CSS, and essential libraries like Axios and React Icons. react-routerreactjsscssnpm-packageprettieraxiosnpm-installreact-iconstailwindcs...
Given the expertise of the Vue-Vite community, we can positively expect that someone will soon create a Vue+Vue Router+Vuex template for ViteJS. But the chances of it being better than Nuxt are honestly less. The same applies to the scenario with Svelte and SvelteKit/Supper, React, and Ne...
npm init vite@latest 项目名字是abcde,选了vue-ts cd abcde npm install npm run dev 浏览器访问,结果是空白的,这是怎么回事? 后来发现是浏览器版本的问题,低版本浏览器不支持js的高级语法。 方法一:换成高版本浏览器就没问题了。如下: 方法二:降低vite的版本。npm init vite@2.8.0就行。
node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-react npm ERR! dev @vitejs/plugin-react@"^2.2.0" from the root project npm ERR! npm ERR! Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry npm ERR! this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps npm ERR! to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) ...
Start by creating a new Vite project if you don’t have one set up already. The most common approach is to use Create Vite. Terminal npm create vite@latest my-project -- --template reactcd my-project Install Tailwind CSS Install tailwindcss and its peer dependencies, then generate your ...