You will not use Synology NAS just for Docker. Pi-hole needs a minimum of 512 MB of RAM (I repeat, a minimum and that’s just for Pi-hole). If anyone wants to stay within the strict minimum RAM, they are welcome to, but their system will never be as responsive as those which ha...
You can run it with: ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml bootstrap-pihole.yaml If the playbook fails during the first run while installing Docker, please reboot your Pi and re-run the playbook! These roles are included: bootstrap: Some basic configuration Add the ssh key fetched from your...
PiHole Docker Considerations The easiest way to install PiHole is to run it in Docker. It makes it easy to update or uninstall any application. It also lets you keep the parts of the network isolated for security. Even the Raspberry Pi can be replaced in just a few minutes. Plus, the ...
Hosting Pi-Hole and using it as a primary DNS Sever Hosting OpenVPN Server Connected a 1 TB External HDD to the TV Box on USB 3.0 and enabled SAMBA , currently using it for NAS alternative. Qbittorent Server Using as a Printer Server Docker Dicord Bots Hosting Heck you can even...
How to install docker on ubuntu16.04 1, Add Docker source 1,ADD Docker source: $ sudo apt-get update 2,Add CA certificates: $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates 3,Add GPG Key: $ ...How to install and config MySQL on Ubuntu Linux The simplest way to install ...
Kodi has been one of the most reliable and known applications to run HTPCs, mainly because of the fact it is available on several operating systems; you can installKodi on WindowsorXBMC/Kodi on Ubuntu, and you can even use it withminicomputers like the Raspberry Piwith OSMC or OpenELEC....
Results of ha docker info: logging: journald registries: {} storage: overlay2 version: 20.10.6 Pi-hole logs are showing the DNS queries are being passed appropriately to DNS, and I can also ping, as well as from the HomeAssistantOS commandline with retu...