archinstall starts downloading packages 等待直到这一步骤完成。这将花一些时间下载安装所有软件包,这依赖你的系统和网络连接速度。有时 Arch 镜像是缓慢的,所以等待直到它完成。 第三部分 - 安装桌面环境 当你用以上方法安装完基本系统以后,你可以安装像 GNOME、KDE Plasma、MATE、Xfce 等额外的桌面环境。我们在以下...
5.之后会看到一个root 身份登录的zsh shell 6. 这一步开始正式安装我们直接使用archinstall来安装,输入archinstall回车 (命令可以按Tab补全) 应该会看到以下界面(方向键上下选择,回车确定,/ 查找) Archinstall language arch安装器语言(没有中文,就别点进去了) Keyboard layout 键盘布局 (默认美式就行) Mirror regi...
桌面:Pro uid esa选择桌面en ui ronments和平铺窗口管理器,例如gnome, kde, minimal:Auer y basic installation that allows you to customize Arch Linux as you see fit. 最小:Auer y基本安装,允许您自定义Arch Linux,因为您认为适合。 serue...
Install packages in Arch Linux from AUR AUR (Arch User Repository) is a community-driven repository for Arch Linux users. AUR was created with the sole objective of organizing and sharing new packages from the community as well as expediting the inclusion of popular packages in the repository. ...
Finally, it’s time to install the Arch Linux package by running thepacman -Ucommand: $ sudo pacman -U google-earth-pro-*.pkg.tar.zst [sudo] passwordforlinux: loading packages... resolving dependencies... lookingforconflicting packages... ... ...
如果要使用其他控制台(例如在安装时使用Lynx查看本指南),可以使用Alt+箭头快捷键切换不同的控制台。要编辑配置文件,可以使用mcedit(1)、nano和vim等文本编辑软件。请参阅packages.x86_64获取安装介质中包含的软件包列表。 接下来先连接SSH客户端(不然要手打命令) 输入下面命令...
linux linux-hardened linux-lts linux-zen arch linux wiki:内核相关的介绍 Additional packages-安装指定的软件 Network configuration-网络配置 Timezone-时区 Automatic time sync (NTP)-是否开启时间同步 Optional repositories-可选的附加 pacman 源 Save configuration-保存 archinstall 的配置 ...
Make sure your arch key ring is up to date pacman -Sy pacman -S archlinux-keyring Install base system pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware linux-headers amd-ucode intel-ucode Note: it's important to install thelinuxpackages as they don't get installed by default anymore...
In addition, you may also use them to automatically update all of your AUR-installed packages, just like Pacman on your Arch Linux system. It is crucial to highlight that the AUR helpers, like the AUR packages, are a result of the work of Arch users all around the world. In other wo...
... 1.2 设置挂载点( Set Mountpoints) 3 安装软件包( Install Packages) 5 编辑配置文件( Edit Config Files) ...|基于36个网页 2. 安装包 U盘安装arch linux手记 -... ... (4)选择包( Select packages) (5)安装包( Install packages)(6)设置系统( Config…|基于14...