Kerenls 内核(不用动) Additional packages 附加包(可以之后再单独装) Network configuration网络配置(Copy ISO configeration) Timezone 时区(我选的是Asia/Shanghai) Automatic time sync 自动时间同步(True) Optional repositories 可选仓库 (留空吧,默认的基本就够用了) 7.选择完毕后就可以选择Install 安装了 安...
pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware linux-headers amd-ucode intel-ucode Note: it's important to install thelinuxpackages as they don't get installed by default anymore and you can't boot without it. If you don't see/boot/vmlinuz-linuxyou probably forgot to do this. G...
-k --check 检查包文件是否存在(-kk用于文件属性) -l--list 列出查询包所拥有的文件 -n --native 列出已安装的软件包只能在同步数据库中找到[过滤器] -p --file <package> 查询包文件而不是数据库 -q--quiet 显示查询和搜索的信息较少 -t--unrequired 列出所有包都不需要(可选)的包(-tt忽略optdepend...
Just another guided/automatedArch Linuxinstaller with a twist. The installer also doubles as a python library to install Arch Linux and manage services, packages, and other things inside the installed system(Usually from a live medium).
Arch Linux可依照用途,同时安装不同版本的Linux核心。 Additional Packages 额外套件。建议这边填入noto-fonts-cjk装字体,不然开机中文字会变成方块。 Network Configuration 网路设定,如果前面选了桌面通常选2留给NetworkManager自动管理,没选桌面不要选2。 选1安装后没网,要自己启用网卡配ip 选3选网卡,...
previous methods, it’s more platform-independent, meaning you can use this method in many other distributions like Void Linux, Fedora, and openSUSE. I have not tested this in Gentoo and Slackware, so your mileage may vary with them due to how both distros like to handle installing packages...
当引导加载程序菜单出现时,选择Arch Linux install medium并按Enter进入安装环境。 提示:安装映像在 UEFI 模式下使用GRUB引导,在 BIOS 模式下使用syslinux引导。分别使用e或Tab来输入引导参数。请参阅README.bootparams获取引导参数列表。* 手动定义启动参数的一个常见例子是改变系统显示在超高分辨率(HiDPI)屏幕的字体的...
Arch Linux has several repositories. The official and stable ones are community, core, extra and multilib. These four main repo contains thousands of applications and packages which you can install usingpacman command. However, another repo called Arch User Repository (AUR) primarily enables anyone...
`ooo/ OS: Arch Linux `+oooo: Kernel: x86_64 Linux 2.6.63-2-ARCH `+oooooo: Uptime: 25m -+oooooo+: Packages: 171 `/:-:++oooo+: Shell: sh `/++++/+++++: CPU: 8x Intel Core i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.495GHz `/+++++++++: RAM: 125MiB / 7972MiB `/+++ooooooooooooo/` ....
If you have just installed Arch Linux, before you can add more packages, you'll have to sync your system with the master servers by updating your local package list. Then, you can easily upgrade all your packages to the latest version by downloading the files from official servers. ...