NGINX is available with most Linux distros in the usual package repositories. And users can always install it using the correct command codes for their distros. However, sometimes these packages need updating as they can be somewhat out-of-date. Hence, those who want the latest version can alw...
docker pull serversideup/php:8.3-fpm-nginx-alpine RUNsed -i's/https/http/'/etc/apk/repositories#Install additional extensions with root permissionsRUN
How to Install Python Programming in Alpine Linux How to Install Nginx Web Server on Alpine Linux Popular Posts How to Open a URL in the Web Browser from Linux Terminal How to Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal Numbers in Linux How to View Hardware Information in Linux ...
$docker build -t php:test -<<EOFFROM php:7.4-fpm-alpineRUN apk update && apk add freetype-dev jpeg-dev libpng-dev libwebp-dev libzip-dev nginxRUN docker-php-ext-install bcmath mysqli zipRUN docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-jpeg --with-webp --with-freetype && docker-php-ext-insta...
nginx_image="${nginx_image:-nginx:1.22.1-alpine}" mysql5_image="${mysql5_image:-mysql:5.7.41}" mysql8_image="${mysql8_image:-mysql:8.0.23}" adminer_image="${adminer_image:-adminer:4.8.1}" mongo_image="${mongo_image:-mongo:7.0.3}" rocketmq_image="${rocketmq_image:-...
Alpine is very lightweight, and doesn’t install very much unless you ask it to. Install Packages Alpine’s website provides a searchable library of available packages. A few packages to consider: Text editor: nano or vim Web server: lighttpd, apache2, or nginx Scripting languages: php, ...
git clone && cd alpine_nginx 2. Use thepodman buildcommand to create an Nginx image on the system: podman build -t alpine_nginx . 3. Wait for the process to finish, then create an Nginx container withpodman run: ...
Installing the NGINX Lua module Installing the Java Module with Dropwizard Installing the Java Module as a Jetty Handler Installing the Java Module as a Netty Handler Installing the Java Module as a Servlet Filter Installing the Java Module on Weblogic ...
35000/library/haproxy 2.8.2-alpine a3c8e99e9327 2 months ago 24.6 MB registry.bsg:35000/metrics-server/metrics-server v0.6.4 a608c686bac9 2 months ago 70.3 MB registry.bsg:35000/ingress-nginx/controller v1.8.1 825aff16c20c 3 months ago 286 MB registry.bsg:35000/cilium/cilium v1.13.4...