root@Qist:~# docker images | grep -w alpine-php alpine-php latest 1499546512b0 5 days ago 188MB docker run -tid -v`pwd`/www:/www -v/run/srv:/var/run alpine-php vi default.conf server { listen 80; listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on; server_name localhost; client_max_body_size 1024...
docker pull nginxproxy/nginx-proxy:latest nginxproxy/nginx-proxy:alpine This image is based on the nginx:alpine image. Use this image to fully support HTTP/2 (including ALPN required by recent Chrome versions). A valid certificate is required as well (see eg. below "SSL Support using an AC...
我可以通过访问 localhost:9001 在没有代理的情况下登录 minio,但在代理后面则无法登录。尽管我使用与没有代理相同的登录名,但我收到响应 401 无效登录。 Nginx 配置主要取自 minio 文档。谁能看看原因或知道我可以检查什么才能登录吗? docker compose 的一部分: nginx: image: nginx:alpine restart: unless-...
version: '2' services: moodle: build: context: args: - PHP_VER=7.2 # build from php:7.2-fpm-alpine3.10 - OS_VER=3.10 - EXTRA_APKS=ghostscript graphviz - EXTRA_EXTS=xmlrpc pspell ldap memcached environment: - GIT_REPO=
Update Alpine to 3.15. Update UBI to 8. Update Go to 1.17 and Go dependencies.Fixes Fix OpenTracing not working with NGINX Plus.Upgrade For NGINX, use the 1.12.4 image from our DockerHub: nginx/nginx-ingress:1.12.4, nginx/nginx-ingress:1.12.4-alpine or nginx/nginx-ingress:1.12.4-ubi...
Alpine 3.14, which will reach EOL in May 2023 Adapting to the ModSecurity End-of-Life Announcement In line with the ModSecurity EOL announcement, NGINX Plus R29 removes support of ModSecurity packages. If you are a NGINX Plus customer using ModSecurity packages, you will soon be able to opt-...
sudo docker run -it --name=alpine-php -d alpine:latest sh apk add nginx adduser -D -g 'www' www mkdir /www chown -R www:www /var/lib/nginx chown -R www:www /www cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.orig vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf #user改为www 启动nginx遇到点问题...
一、拉取Alpine基础镜像 为什么选择Alpine作为基础镜像?因为Alpine的文件体积小啊,基础镜像只有5.53MB,相比ubuntu镜像的88.9MB要小十几倍。 使用docker pull alpine命令拉取alpine镜像: root@ubuntu:~# docker pull alpine Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from library/alpine ...
一、拉取Alpine基础镜像 为什么选择Alpine作为基础镜像?因为Alpine的文件体积小啊,基础镜像只有5.53MB,相比ubuntu镜像的88.9MB要小十几倍。 使用docker pull alpine命令拉取alpine镜像: root@ubuntu:~# docker pull alpine Using defaulttag: latestlatest: Pulling from library/alpine ...
Linux主机(或者在 Linux容器模式下的 Windows主机上)运行docker container run alpine:latest sleep10命令, Shell会连接到容器shell 10s的时间,然后退出; 可在Windows容器上运行 docker container run microsoft/powershell:nanoserver Start-Sleep -s 10验证这点。