尝试打开GNOME Shell Extension Manager: 你可以在应用程序菜单中找到 GNOME Shell Extension Manager 并尝试打开它。如果成功打开,并且没有出现错误消息,那么说明安装是成功的。 检查其版本: 你还可以通过在终端中输入以下命令来检查 gnome-shell-extension-manager 的版本信息(如果它提供了版本检查功能): bash gnome-sh...
when a new version of the GNOME desktop environment is released, it is relatively common for some extensions to stop being compatible with it. So, users should wait until the developer adapts the extension code
If your main reason for wanting a.debversion of Firefox is so you can install GNOME extensions I will point out there is a simpler workaround: install the (fantastic)GNOME Extension Managerapp from the repo usingsudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-manager. Want to install GNOME extensions?
such as Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian, come with GNOME pre-installed. However, if you are using a distribution that does not have GNOME installed by default, you can easily install it using the package manager.
User account: dong_fang_yao add完user记得superuser要选yes, 默认是no Profile: desktop-gnome Select a graphics driver or leave blank to install all open-source drivers : All open-source (默认) 或 Nvidia (proprietary) 或 AMD / ATI (open-source) Audio: None 不用选就行 Kernels: ['linux']...
Gnome Extensions Packages for Rar and 7z compressed files support:sudo dnf install -y unzip p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar These are Some Packages that I use and would recommend: Amberol Blanket Builder Brave Blender Discord Drawing Deja Dup Backups Endeavour Easyeffects Extension Manager Flatseal Folia...
A bash script that batch installs and tweaks GNOME extensions as well as GTK/Shell themes. There are currently three options available: Unity, Windows and macOS. - vmavromatis/gnome-layout-manager
manager:gcm-import.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/gnome-color-manager:gcm-picker.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/gnome-color-manager:gcm-viewer.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/gnome-commander-data:gnome-commander.desktop /usr/share/app-install/desktop/gnome-contacts:org.gnome....
A similar test can be performed by logging on to the Gnome or KDE console directly. Proceed toStep 6: Install the Linux VDAafter the domain-joining verification. Tip: If you succeed in user authentication but cannot show your desktop when log...
/usr/bin/gnome-session Make the file executable in case it isn’t already: chmod +x ~/.vnc/xstartup Nowrestart the VNC server, and when you connect to it, you should be using GNOME. Here’s how the GNOMEminimal installationlooks like in my case: ...